AMS Friendly Spool Ends for Prusament Filament

AMS Friendly Spool Ends for Prusament Filament


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

PLA 2 Colour Label (Print in PLA) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
PLA 2 Colour Label (Print in PLA) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
7.3 h
1 plate

PLA 2 Colour Label (Print with PETG) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
PLA 2 Colour Label (Print with PETG) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
7.3 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


The Prusament spools do tend to work with the Bambu Labs AMS, but they are technically wider than Bambu's stated maximum width, and there are a couple of other things that occasionally cause issues.


Not only are Prusa spools a tad too wide, they also have two cut outs on either side which make those sections particularly thin and can occasionally catch on the filament guides in the AMS.


These spool walls are designed to perfectly fit inside the cardboard tubes that Prusament spools are provided with, working perfectly with their refill spools, and if you're feeling confident with removing the walls from Prusament non-refills, will fit them too.



  • 3mm thinner overall spool thickness, meaning they are within the Bambu Labs recommended size
  • Features built in filament clips of a similar design to those on the Prusa ones, but is actually more effective
  • Available with a few different designs


23.11.23 - I've added angled holes to just above where the cardboard tube sits so if you use these for respooling, you can clip the starting end of your filament into it. Just so you know, the profiles currently included don't include this update, but I will create new profiles featuring this update soon.


Different versions/designs available

  • Plane / Generic
    • The same as all the others, but just no label built in
  • Quick
    • This features no label, and none of the “styling” holes, allowing for a quicker print (this still features the built in filament clips)
  • PLA
    • PLA Single Colour
      • Features a PLA label ‘engraved’ into the sides by 0.55mm allowing it to be visible whilst printed in one colour
    • PLA Dual Colour
      • Features a PLA label ‘engraved’ into the sides by 0.05mm. If printed in one colour this will not be visible, but it allows quick and easy fill painting. If painted with a different colour, this will be printed on the base layer with the rest of the print (as in the photos)
  • PETG
    • PETG Single Colour
      • Features a PETG label ‘engraved’ into the sides by 0.55mm allowing it to be visible whilst printed in one colour
    • PETG Dual Colour
      • Features a PETG label ‘engraved’ into the sides by 0.05mm. If printed in one colour this will not be visible, but it allows quick and easy fill painting. If painted with a different colour, this will be printed on the base layer with the rest of the print (as in the photos)


As you have to post photos of a successful print, I've currently only uploaded Bambu Studio Projects for the dual colour PLA spools for printing in PLA or PETG.
Once I've printed and photographed them all I will upload projects for all of them, but for now, I've included STL files for ALL of them (Just click the “Download RAW model files” button underneath the green “Open in Bambu Studio” button).



  • PLA should be fine for most uses, the only reason you'd definitely want to print in PETG or something else is if you're using it with a reel of any material other than PLA and you'll be putting it in a heated filament dehydrator. In that case you'll want to make sure it's printed in a material who's deformation temperature is higher than the drying temperature of the filament you're using on it.

Comment & Rating (7)

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Can i put this on a full roll of prusament. My roll is slightly too big
The designer has replied
Yes you should be able to. I have done so with several rolls, but not in the last couple of months, I don't know if they've changed their spoiling process and slightly changed the dimensions.
Replying to @ByteSlinger :
i will give it a go later and update you, could you give me instructions on how to replace the sides without causing the fillament to come loose?
Replying to @ImNoah :
Hmm, this isn't really intended for use in replacing existing walls on a spool. Prusa sells refill rolls which don't come with spool walls. The filament has several binds wrapped around it, and you then just fit the walls first before removing the binds. If you're trying to replace existing walls, whilst some people do do that, it's not something I'd recommend as it can result in tangles in your spool or worse, unspooling the entire thing.
Hello - would it be possible to share a STP file of the "quick" version of this? I would like to modify it to have the same spool hole I.D. as the Bambu spools. I printed a test model of this, and the spool hub for the re-spooler I just printed (V-Spooler X) and built doesn't quite fit. The I.D. of the spool hole needs to be 55mm, but these are around 50mm instead (probably just replicating the size of the Prusa end plates). There is a version of the hub for that re-spooler that could work, but I want to make it universal between Bambu spools and this proposed modified Prusament spool plate. .
Print Profile
PLA 2 Colour Label (Print in PLA) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
Print Profile
PLA 2 Colour Label (Print in PLA) 0.12mm layer, 3 walls, 45% infill
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