Chess Puzzle - Switch the Kings - Magnetic Pieces

Copyright Claim

Chess Puzzle - Switch the Kings - Magnetic Pieces


Print Profile(4)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

A1 Mini - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
A1 Mini - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
11.2 h
5 plates

P1S - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
P1S - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
10.2 h
3 plates

P1S - No Magnets - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
P1S - No Magnets - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
10 h
3 plates

A1 Mini - No Magnets - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
A1 Mini - No Magnets - 0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 25% infill
10.9 h
5 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Original Designer

I made this model because I saw this puzzle online. The original maker is “The Puzzle Guy” if you'd like to support him here is his Etsy store page to this specific puzzle.

Exchange the Kings


Chess Pieces or Want to use others

I also did not design the chess pieces I borrowed a fellow Makers design which can be found here. All I did for the chess pieces was add a small hole at the bottom to allow for the magnets to go into them. If you'd like to use other chess pieces just make a negative part to the desired chess pieces. The cylinder should be these dimensions x: 6.1 mm, y: 6.1 mm, z: 3 mm

Original Chess Pieces


Which Magnets

I used these magnets but feel free to use which ever you want as long as they are the correct dimensions 6x3 mm Neodymium Magnets

Magnets I Used


Recommendation: I would print the main tile holder a different color from the tiles because its hard to tell which spots are legal move spaces! 


Other than that I have uploaded a profile all you need to do is download and insert the magnets into the slots!


Some Hints for Assembly:

  • I would first insert a magnet to one of the chess pieces and use that chess piece to make sure the rest of the magnets are the in the same direction.
  • I inserted the first magnet into my white king piece and them proceeded to use that to insert my first piece in the tiles. I didn't want the magnets to show on the tiles so I inserted magnets from the bottom. I placed the king on top of the tile and then put the magnet under the tile. The magnet should flip to the proper side and then go ahead and use a table to push in the magnet being very careful you do not flip the magnet. Repeat the process until all tiles are done.
  • Once the tiles are don you can use those tiles to make sure the rest of the chess pieces magnets are the correct direction as well.
  • Finally, the tiles might be a little tight so some moderate pressure should be expected. (Please let me know if it is too tight for me it wasn't too bad) I would use Super Glue to hold the tiles down since these magnets are pretty strong they can pull them up.

If you don't care about magnets

I have uploaded a profile that doesn't have the holes so you can just print the pieces and not worry about the magnets!



These are the rules as far as I am aware:

  • Use the starting positions as given in the photos
  • White moves first
  • Cannot take pieces
  • Kings CAN meet
  • EASY MODE: Switch the king positions other pieces do not matter
  • HARD MODE: Switch the king positions and other pieces are back in origional positions.


Happy printing!

Bill of Materials

List other parts
Super Glue

Purchase from Bambu Store

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