Large But Slim Bambu Lab Poop Bucket - Filament Waste Bin - X1 and X1 Carbon P1P P1S

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Large But Slim Bambu Lab Poop Bucket - Filament Waste Bin - X1 and X1 Carbon P1P P1S

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Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

PLA 0.20 Layer Height
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
10 h
1 plate

PETG 0.22 Layer Height
PETG 0.22 Layer Height
10.5 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio



Update 12 Nov : Print files have been optimised! Even shorter print time and lesser material now. Thank you.


Please click a LIKE on my product if you like it. Thank you, I will greatly appreciate it. Cheers!



While testing my model AMS Fix Failed To Pull Out Filament Error, my waste bin got so full and i needed to empty it every few hours, figured that i needed a bigger one. Also i realised that there is some upgrade that can be done to the original model so…


I present to you the “Large But Slim Bambu Lab Poop Bucket - Filament Waste Bin - X1 and X1 Carbon P1P P1S”.


Some problems i met using the original bucket

-Small collection area so the bucket fills up quickly.

-The angle of the slope is not fantastic i have many poop stuck on the slope instead of going into the collection bin area.


Here is some changes that i have made

-The gradient of the slope that the poop falls down from is greatly increased so poop should fall down ezier.

-The collection bin size have been almost doubled so it can collect much mre waste

-The drop zone after the downslope have been optimised so it can slide down mre efficiently and waste can accumulate properly.

-I have always love the slimness of this poop bucket so i have retained it slim profile and increase the capacity by extending it upwards instead.


Might not be suitable if you are using a rear spool holder originally from Bambu. This might block that holder at the back of the printer. Thank you.

Watch the difference in speed when the filament poop move down the slope.


What Mod / Fixes / Enhancement do i offer?

Please don't download the wrong one. Only those in the photos below is designed by me who painstakingly took a lot of time to measure carefully and design just to get it working. #SupportOriginal Love you guys for all the support so far!


- AMS FIX Failed To Retract Filament Error (a preventive measure and solve the bay 2 and 3 error and prevent bay 1 and 4 to have any possibility of having an error due to tension and friction) (Updated design on the 2nd photo below, try 1 then if it doesn't works properly for you then install the other one.)



(BRAND NEW) AMS Filament Pull Back Fix V2 Upgraded - Completely New Design Upgrade For AMS Filament Pull Back ERROR! Precisely Measured



- AMS Buffer Fix For Failed To Pull Back Filament Error (reduce wear on the external PTFE tube and allow the most smooth, least friction angle to go into the AMS buffer thus reducing the possibility of an error popping up)



- V2 AMS Buffer Fix For Failed To Pull Back Filament Error (reduce wear on the external PTFE tube and allow the most smooth, least friction angle to go into the AMS buffer thus reducing the possibility of an error popping up)



- AMS Fix - Stack the AMS on tp (Using a carefully measured holder to hold the PTFE in a curved angle that will allow filament to go through with the least possible amount of friction when the AMS is stacked on tp of the printer)



- AMS Buffer PTFE Right Guide Mount Fix will correct and maintain a nearly 100% straight line when the PTFE tube exit the AMS buffer to move into the printer extruder.



- V2 AMS Buffer Right PTFE Guide Mount - The Fix For Failed To Pull Back Filament a newly improved fix designed to replaced the V1 This will correct and maintain a nearly 100% straight line when the PTFE tube exit the AMS buffer to move into the printer extruder. Simple Installation. No screws needed!



- Extruder AMS Filament Pull Back Fix will correct and maintain a nearly 100% straight line to move the filament in and out of the extruder. This will also reducing wear on the PTFE tube. Its design allow the filament to travel in the most smooth, least amount of friction and pressure for the proper angle to go into and exit the extruder thus greatly reducing the possibility of an Failed To Retract Filament error or similar errors from popping up.



- V2 Extruder AMS Filament Pull Back Fix will correct and maintain a nearly 100% straight line to move the filament in and out of the extruder. This will also reducing wear on the PTFE tube. Its design allow the filament to travel in the most smooth, least amount of friction and pressure for the proper angle to go into and exit the extruder thus greatly reducing the possibility of an Failed To Retract Filament error or similar errors from popping up.



- The Smooth 4 Way Splitter. Look No Further. Combined with AMS Hub Lite together with this small attachment, you will have the Smooth 4 Way Splitter.


Comment & Rating (50)

Please fill in your opinion

Great job! Thank you for the file that helped out with slicing an optimized plate.
Print Profile
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
exactly what I needed and slim enough to work in my space!
Print Profile
PETG 0.22 Layer Height
Print started out strong and was doing well. I can't see exactly what happened, but the print turned into spaghetti towards the end. Does not affect overall function.
Print Profile
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
worked great just adjusted the temperature for my PlA and used no supports.
OMG no. This uses more than half a full spool of filament. It's just not efficient for a waste basket. The walls are way too thick for what this is. this isn't something the user will be throwing around like a ball, it just sits behind the printer to serve as a place for waste to fall into... way too much filament for what it is, no thanks.
The designer has replied
Its made with durability in mind. Thanks for writing this long paragraph haha.
Replying to @SPStudio :
You can't find fault in my honest criticism (you are contributing majorly to waste) and so you attack my eloquence? Congratulations I guess. I just printed a model that's 0.8mm thick, more useful than yours, and it took 138g of filament. If you can't accept a very valid critique please don't post models. This is an extremely wasteful and over-engineered waste basket. It's a waste basket that's wasteful, it's ironic.
Replying to @KrazyPetes :
Anyone have issues with the poop hanging in the chute? I just printed 3 rather large poop chutes and although they work pretty good I had to bevel out some material with a de-burring tool to keep poop from hanging up on the edge. Still looking for the perfect solution. I'll try this one and see how it goes! Thanks for the design. ***Nevermind*** I just saw your YouTube video!
The designer has replied
hi you mean this chute will have poop stuck? can u tell me where its stuck cus when i tested its perfect. I dont mind to fix up any issues for you.
Replying to @SPStudio :
Nope, it's all good. I printed a different "Huge" bucket and had all kinds of issues. This one works great. the way you curved it works much better than the other one I printed (from a different creator)
Replying to @richard.danda :
That's great to know it works great. Thank you!
Print Profile
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
Printed well and works great
Print Profile
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
works great
Print Profile
PLA 0.20 Layer Height
fits perfect looks really good
Works great