Parametric Connectable Text Sign (v2)

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Parametric Connectable Text Sign (v2)


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
53 min
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
51 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


2024/06/10 (V2) 

  • Added plate size (plate_size parameter), to adjust text into a matrix that will fit at least in the width of the specified plate.
  • Added a soft-control between block corner rounding and block size
    If  rounding exceeds the tolerance, the rendering will be stopped and an error is raised.
  • Improved pin socket and base, before i can cause rendering errors when writing long texts.
  • Improved generation of pin socket sizes and distance.


Yet another parametric text model

Using this customizable model you can make your own sign, and build as many sentences as you want.

Can be also used as a word spelling game for children, or as a decorating item.

If you like this model, please give a 👍

And if you feel geneous, give me a boost . 
Grazie Mille!

Important Note:

This model is a work in progress, I'm currently working on improvements and not all possible variables have been tested (please be kind ;-) )


With this parametric model you can write your own text and connect each letter using the provided snap-pins and the socket in each block.

How to customize:


List of customize parameters by section:


  • text - The text to render
  • font - The font to use when rendering the text (dropdown list)
  • font_style - The font-style [Regular, Bold, Italic, Condensed…] to use when rendering the text (dropdown list)
  • text_size - The size of the text
  • text_height - How much to extrude the text from the base
  • plate_size (new) - Max length of a row of the block matrix to render (to make easier to fit in your plate)

Container Blocks

  • block_size - The size of the base block containing the text
  • block_height - The height for the base block
  • block_corner_rounding - The amount of rounding for the base block corners
  • pin_instances - determines how many pins to render
  • round_edge*
    • round_edge_top_left - Enables rounding of top-left edge of the block
    • round_edge_top_right - Enables rounding of top-right edge of the block
    • round_edge_bottom_right - Enables rounding of bottom-right edge of the block
    • round_edge_bottom_left - Enables rounding of bottom-left edge of the block


List of Work in progress improvements:

  • Better control of text-size against block size (do not allow overflowing text)
  • Add a back socket for a magnet (fridge magnet messages!!!).

Improvements already done:

  • Better control of text-block corner rounding (do not allow rounding that may break the shape) (V2)
  • Better testing of snap tolerances when increasing size of the model. (V2)
  • Split the model when x-position is more than average print plate width. (V2)

Any improvement idea is welcome.

If you like you can check my other parametric models:

Parametric box with compartments and snap-on lid


Parametric box with compartments and snap-on lid

Parametric soap-box with snap-on lid


Parametric soap-box with snap-on lid




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