Whirligig Running Man

Whirligig Running Man


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Whirligig - Running Man

This is my first iteration of this Whirligig, it's functional but plan to spend some time tweaking it to get it running reliably outdoors. I printed spacers to make the legs about twice as wide and the arms so the pull-strings/wires don't collide. Wire size 24 Gauge worked well for arms and legs attachment to the crank (green enameled floral wire), attach to the crank first then to the arms/legs. Several non-printed hardware items are required: small bolts for arms and legs, small screws for the crank holders, rods for the crank (4.4mm dia) and mounting adapter (6.9mm dia hole) and man torso to chassis (~3mm dia), and for the tail extension (7.8mm fiberglass rod). Reduce rod diameters by about 0.2mm for clearance.


WG_Chassis3: the main whirligig body that everything attaches to. Printed upright with tree supports.
WG_CrankV2.1: the crankshaft that attaches the propeller and creates the motion. Has holes for setscrews (5.56mm dia, 10-12mm long) to the crank. Printed on side with supports.
WG_OneArm: Make two of these running man arms. Printed flat.
WG_OneLeg: Make two of these running man legs. Printed flat.
WG_Pipe_Adapter6.7-15: Adapts a 6.7mm dia rod that hold up the whirligig to a standard electrical conduit metal pipe 15mm inside diameter. Printed vertically. 
WG_Pole_Insert: Designed as a wear item to be replaced, adapts the chassis to the mounting pole (6.7mm pole). May also help the wind direction swivel action. Printed vertically.
WG_Shaft_XXX: front and rear crankshaft rod supports, 4.4mm dia hole. Printed on sides, hole facing up.
WG_Tail_88p_160mm: Tail piece 158mm by 80mm, I printed this upright the tall way with brim. Should fit diagonally on 120mm bed.
WG_tail_con: the tail to rod adapter, glued using rubber cement. Printed hole facing up. 
WG_Torso: The body of the running man. Printed flat.


Thingiverse user jxthom, thing:2532606
Printed blades up tall direction probably with brim or other support, and hub flat with hole up. 

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I need someone to remix this as Nika 👉👈🙏🙏
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