Anycubic Kobra 2 Max Cable Drag Chain

Anycubic Kobra 2 Max Cable Drag Chain


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Merry Christmas from the Fresh Prints, Hope everyone has a happy & safe holiday. Thanks Anycubic Community for all the support. You all have made this worth doing.


This cable drag chain system to help keep your bed cables in great shape.


Print Instructions:

  1. This is a tolerance part needs accurate dimensions as possible print in (Stable Mode) if using a Kobra 2 Series printer.
  2. Make sure your filament is dry
  3. Print 2 links out and check your printer's calibration. Links should snap together & pivot. (If fit is not right refer to Anycubic Kobra 2 "Flow Rate Cube" Calibration )
  4. ( If your having problems with PETG on printer switch to PLA the stock Prusa PETG Config from Anycubic is not that good.)
  5. 0.16mm layer height preferred for better results. But .20 will work.
  6. PLA smoother looking and working chain.
  7. PETG for strength and longevity. Rougher will smoothen out when wears in
  8. 25% percent infill or higher for links and mounts
  9. 100% infill for Link Caps
  10. You will need 28 links. I would just print 30 to have some spare.
  11. Please allow build plate to cool before removing the Cable Links. Will warp the part if removed to soon. To cool faster remove build plate from printer and put on cool flat surface. will rapidly cool the build sheet.


Pick your Top mount.

If you're rocking the factory black bed cable bracket that came with your printer download the Top Mount for Factory Cable Support v1


If you're rocking the BOLT-On Sheet Aligners I designed, then download. Top Mount for BOLT-ON Sheet Aligner v1.5


Bottom Mount Installation:

2 M3x8 bolts & 2 M3T-Nuts Mounts to 4040 aluminum extrusion.

Or My preferred way is to use 2 M3x 6 countersunk bolts with 2 t-nuts



Compatible with these Sheet Aligners:

New!!! 1. Anycubic Kobra 2 Max SNAP-ON Bed Sheet Aligners V3

2. Anycubic Kobra 2 Max BOLT-ON Sheet Aligner v2

Also, if you don't wish to print out all the links. I designed the this drag chains end mounts.

to work with this Amazon Cable Chain.


This is for the Kobra 2 Max. This is v1 (Medium Tolerance) Please do not remix.

Will be making two different tolerances versions in future update. This version was to find a happy medium to allow this Cable Drag Chain to be able to print on a well calibrated machine and also on very uncalibrated 3d printer.

  1. Low Tolerance: will be able to be printed on an uncalibrated 3D printer.

2. High Tolerance Model: Will be able to hang chain off a table and support itself. If the printer is not calibrated able to make dimensionally accurate prints it will not be able to print this correctly and will not flex with high tolerance model.


Kobra 2 and Kobra 2 Pro are now final and can be found here

Anycubic Kobra 2 Pro & Kobra 2 Cable Drag Chain


Kobra 2 Plus is still (Beta). (coming soon) If you wish to download and test for me that will help me out. If you have a Kobra 2 Plus. If you find anything that will not work, please message me in my inbox on printables.

I will be testing tolerances to finalize the series. Please do not remix.

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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.