Modular Cable Storage

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Modular Cable Storage


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
46.3 h
6 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


How much can you overengineer cable storage solutions: YES!


Disclaimer: This is my first Fusion 360 design. I'm thankful for any constructive feedback :-D

What's it for?

This project was originally intended to organise my cable mess at home. Just furl your cables in a linear direction and put them into one of the storage bins.
But I guess you can store anything non-liquid (or non-sandy) in it.


You can use it horizontally and vertically (standing) since the back parts are closed with a lid.

Modular Design

The key aspect of this model is modularity. So each bin can be attached on any other (as long as the male/female direction aligns), hence the hex-design. 

The model itself comes with fixed lengths of 21cm and 42cm (2 halfs, each 21cm) and a horizontal diameter of 70mm which exactly fits my own cupboard depth.



Due to the fact, that the female side of the front rim is sealed, different heigths (long and short versions) will align perfectly fine and vertical usage is no problem. BUT this forces you to assemble from bottom to top.


Here are the key aspects of the assembly:

  • I recommend using the starting piece which you would put on the bottom left corner of your cupboard
  • Alignmend of male/female parts must be same across all modules. The model works best when aligning male parts upwards
  • When working with long versions, you have to assemble front and back parts to form a closed module before attaching them to other modules

Parameterized f3d File

I also attached the original parameterized f3d file. With it you can modify the “height” (which ressembles the depth of your cupboard) parameter to your needs. The “hex_side_length” parameter is a bit bugged, so better don't touch it atm.

But you can edit “start_piece_length” and “end_piece_length” to create exact fits.
When changing depth, there's a possibility that the skelettization doesn't come out as well as intended (e.g. 40cm looks a bit off). Just do a bit of experimentation here.


The model is designed in a way, so that any length/depth of a storage module will be attachable with any other module, independent what length it is. In other words: You can mix short an long versions or customized “height” versions without any problem.


Printing Instructions

The 3mf file should already contain the right settings, but here are the key aspects:

  • Bambu Lab X1C
  • 4mm Nozzle
  • 2mm layer height
  • Inner brim (10mm) on the hollow parts (front parts of long version)
  • No Supports required


I'm open to constructive feedback and change requests. Let's discuss your ideas!
This thing is still under active development and I cannot guarantee that future versions will be backwards compatible (but I try and if so, I will provide “bridge versions”).


If you appreciate this model and wanna buy me coffee, you can do so here:
or simply scan this QR-Code:



This is the initial public versions. There were some (13 ;-) ) versions before, which I wasn't comfortable publishing. So this is the first okISH one. But to put it into context to mk.1:

  • Through recess and skelletization I was able to reduce filament usage about 52% (a long starter kit almost used half a kg)
  • Parameterized the entire thing by a complete do-over. Heigth, end/start length can be adapted to your needs
  • Introduced a short version (half the length of the long one)
  • Make the entire thing interoperable with any heigths/depths.
  • Close the front female rim. This forces you to assemble the thing in one single way but enables a seamless alignment in the front, especially when working with different heights.

Comment & Rating (2)

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Printed in Bambu's ABS black on the Textured PEI Plate with a thin layer of their liquid glue in the X1-Carbon printer. Zero problems, minimal stringing in the honeycomb sides, they all attached easily. I printed 6 full halfs 21cm from plate 1, using 235g of filament for a total of 18h13m36s with calibration. I'll be using these to hold glass Boro rods and tubing for lampwork.
The designer has replied
Awesome! Love to see that it also works in a filament other than PLA and that it gets more use-cases. Would love to see a photo when you put them in "action"!
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