Wobbly letter cube keychain (configurable)

Remixed by

Wobbly letter cube keychain (configurable)

Remixed by

Print Profile(7)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

silence - balance - essence - journey - Multimaterial
silence - balance - essence - journey - Multimaterial
2.4 h
1 plate

TigerHorseZebraOtter - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
TigerHorseZebraOtter - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.5 h
1 plate

LoveHopeLifeCare - multimaterial
LoveHopeLifeCare - multimaterial
1.9 h
1 plate

LoveKissWishHold - multimaterial
LoveKissWishHold - multimaterial
1.7 h
1 plate
Click to see more

Open in Bambu Studio


Note: Press “download STL” above to see all available STL/SCAD/etc files!


A keychain with your or your family/friends first name, written in individual letter beads. The beads are connected flexibly with rings and move after printing. Its also nice for fidgeting
Note that this model is print-in-place, so no support material is needed.

STLs for more than 1200 first names are included. Scroll all the way down to “other files” to get them as ZIP file.

Also there are several examples included, where the beads show 4 different words:

  • print - layer - build - dream
  • tiger - horse - zebra - otter
  • love - kiss - wish - hold
  • silence - balance - essence - journey
  • Lucy - Jake - Emma - Alex
  • … and you can create your own using OpenSCAD, like first name, last name, etc.

Update15.10.: Customizer in OpenSCAD optimized to easily define one or four words.



The 4 names shown are configurable with OpenSCAD. To do that, please install OpenSCAD on your own computer and follow the detailed customizing instructions below or follow these in depth instructions.

You can either show the same name on all 4 sides (all="Franziska") or 4 different words (text=["Print","layer","build","dream"];). Just the first word however is setting the number of characters, so put the longest word first.


The model does not need support material at all. The individual cubes are linked to each other and can wiggle around like there is no tomorrow.

In case the beads stick together, just rotate / move them a bit and they will get free.


Change filament at 1mm and 10.2mm to have the multi-color look of the print shown above:

Share your make

If you could take a picture of an actual print, please "Comment" and attach the picture. - I am curious to see your uses in the wild! 
Also please leave a review with stars. If the option does not show up, make sure to download the model when you are logged in with your user and after a while the rating option will appear.


Thanks to melzein for finding bugs ain the OpenSCAD code (Please download the newest .scad file) and suggesting improvements for the cusotmizer tab.

Thanks go to nilson_fx for his print and picture of a 200% keychain!

Other models

There are more keychains available, the keychain name tags

the letter bead keychain

the shopping cart coin

the chain of letters

the working keychain cannon

and the customizable bottle opener keychain:

There are more configurable-text-based creations available.
Please have a look at all my creations

Have fun!

Detailed customizing instructions

  • Download latest version of OpenSCAD, (See section "Development snapshots" at (https://www.openscad.org/downloads.html) )
  • Download the "LetterCubesKeychain_V5_FourDifferentNames.scad" file from here.
  • Open the .scad file in OpenSCAD.
  • Change the variables to your liking:
    • To display the customizer, in the OpenSCAD "View" menu, the option called [Hide customizer] must be unselected.
    • Alternatively, change variables in the code: You find the variables in the beginning of the .SCAD file:
      If you want the same text on each side of the cubes:
      or if you want different text:
  • For fonts:
    • Set the fontname (and ensure you have that font installed on your system): fontname="Bangers";
    • The current font is “Blocktastic”, available online
  • Press "F5" to get a quick preview.
  • Press "F6" when you like the preview. This will render the geometry and takes a little time.
  • Press "F7" to save the geometry to an .STL file.
  • Slice and print the .STL file.

Some Fixes if you have issues with OpenSCAD:

1) Your font of choice is not found by OpenSCAD on your PC.

2) OpenSCAD won't pick up newly installed fonts in C:/Windows/Fonts.

  • In case new fonts are missing, put the font TTF files also in C:\Program Files/OpenSCAD/fonts/Liberation-2.00.1/ttf and restart OpenSCAD again.
  • Alternatively, put them in C:\Program Files/OpenSCAD/fonts/Lib

Names included

Here I list all the Czech, German and English names availabe as STL files. The names are included here so people using this site find this print and the STL when searching for their name.

Aaron, Abigail, Adam, Adela, Adrian, Adrien, Agathe, Alan, Albert, Ales, Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandre, Alexia, Alexis, Alfred, Alice, Alicia, Amanda, Amandine, Amber, Amelie, Amy, Anais, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andrew, Aneta, Anette, Angela, Angelika, Anja, Anke, Ann, Anna, Anneliese, Annette, Anthony, Antje, Antoine, Arnaud, Arthur, Ashley, Astrid, Audrey, Aurelie, Aurelien, Aurore, Austin, Axel, Baptiste, Bara, Barbara, Bastien, Beate, Ben, Benjamin, Benoit, Bernd, Berndt, Bernhard, Bernt, Bettina, Betty, Beverly, Billy, Birgit, Björn, Bobby, Brandon, Brenda, Brian, Brigitte, Britta, Brittany, Bruce, Bryan, Bärbel, Camille, Carin, Carl, Carla, Carol, Caroline, Carolyn, Carsten, Catharina, Catherine, Cathrin, Catrin, Cecile, Cedric, Celia, Celine, Charles, Charlotte, Cheryl, Chiara, Chloe, Chris, Christa, Christel, Christian, Christiane, Christina, Christine, Christoph, Christopher, Claire, Clara, Claudia, Claus, Clemence, clement, Coline, Coralie, Corentin, Cornelia, Curt, Cynthia, Cyril, Dagmar, Damien, Daniel, Daniela, Danielle, David, Deborah, Debra, Denisa, Denise, Dennis, Detlef, Detlev, Diana, Diane, Dieter, Dirk, Dominick, Dominika, Donald, Donna, Dorian, Doris, Dorothy, Douglas, Dylan, Edith, Edward, Elena, Elfriede, Elias, Elijah, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Eliska, Elizabeth, Elke, Ella, Ellie, Elodie, Elsa, Emeline, Emil, Emilia, Emilie, Emily, Emma, Enzo, Eric, Erica, Erich, Erika, Erna, Ernst, Erwan, Erwin, Estelle, Ethan, Eugene, Eva, Evelyn, Evzen, Fabien, Fanny, Filip, Finn, Florent, Florian, Frances, Francesco, Francois, Frank, Franz, Frida, Frieda, Friedrich, Fritz, Gabriel, Gabriele, Gaetan, Gary, Georg, George, Gerald, Gerd, Gerda, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gert, Gertrud, Gisela, Gloria, Grace, Gregory, Gudrun, Guillaume, Günter, Günther, Hana, Hannah, Hannelore, Hans, Harald, Harold, Hartmut, Heather, Heidi, Heike, Heiko, Heinrich, Heinz, Helen, Helene, Helga, Helmut, Helmuth, Henry, Herbert, Hermann, Herta, Hertha, Hildegard, Holger, Honza, Horst, hugo, Ilse, Ines, Inge, Ingeborg, Ingo, Ingrid, Irmgard, Irmgart, Isabella, Ivonne, Jack, Jacob, Jacqueline, Jade, James, Jan, Jana, Janet, Janice, Jason, Jean, Jeanne, Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jens, Jeremy, Jerome, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jirka, Jitka, Joachim, Joan, Joe, Joerg, Johann, Johanna, Johannes, John, Johnny, Jonathan, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Joyce, Juan, Judith, Judy, Julia, Julie, Julien, Juliette, Justin, Justine, Jutta, Jörg, Jörn, Jürgen, Kai, Karel, Karen, Karin, Karl, Karolina, Karsten, Katarina, Kate, Katharina, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathrin, Kathryn, Katie, Katja, Katrin, Katrina, Kayla, Keith, Kelly, Kenneth, Kerstin, Kevin, Kimberly, Kirsten, Klara, Klaudia, Klaus, Krista, Kristian, Kristina, Kristine, Kuba, Kurt, Kyle, Käte, Käthe, Laetitia, Larry, Lars, Laura, Lauren, Laurie, Laurine, Lawrence, Lea, Lena, Lenka, Leo, Leon, Liam, Lieselotte, Lina, Linda, Lisa, Logan, Loic, Lola, Lothar, Lou, Louis, Louise, Luca, lucas, Lucie, Lucy, Lukas, Madison, Maelle, Maeva, Maik, Maike, Manfred, Manon, Manuela, Marc, Marcel, Marco, Marcus, Marek, Maren, Margaret, Margarete, Margarethe, Margaux, Margot, Maria, Marianne, Marie, Marilyn, Marina, Marine, Mario, Marion, Mark, Marketa, Marko, Markus, Marlies, Marlis, Marta, Martha, Martin, Martina, Mary, Mathew, Mathias, Mathieu, Mathilde, Mathis, Matteo, Matthew, Matthias, Matthieu, Max, Maxence, Maxime, Megan, Mehdi, Meik, Meike, Melanie, Melissa, Mia, Michael, Michaela, Michal, Michelle, Mickael, Mike, Mila, Mohamed, Monica, Monika, Morgane, Nadin, Nadine, Nancy, Natalie, Nathan, Nicholas, nicolas, Nicole, Niels, Nikol, Nils, Nina, Noah, Noemie, Norbert, Oceane, Olaf, Oliver, Olivia, Ondra, Ophelie, Otto, Pamela, Patricia, Patrick, Paul, Pauline, Pavel, Pavlina, Peter, Petra, Philip, Philipp, Phillip, Phillipp, Pierre, Quentin, Rachel, Radek, Rainer, Ralf, Ralph, Randy, Raphael, Raymond, Rebecca, Regina, Reiner, Reinhardt, Remi, Renate, Rene, Richard, Rita, Robert, Robin, Roger, Rolf, Romain, Romane, Ronald, Rose, Rosemarie, Roy, Rudolf, Rudolph, Russell, Ruth, Ryan, Rüdiger, Sabine, Salome, Sam, Samantha, Samuel, Sandra, Sara, Sarah, Scott, Sean, Sebastian, Sebastien, Sharon, Shirley, Siegfried, Sigrid, Silke, Silvia, Simon, Simona, Sofia, Solene , Sonja, Sophia, Sophie, Stefan, Stefanie, Stephan, Stephanie, Stephen, Steven, Susan, Susanne, Sven, Swen, Sylvia, Tanja, Teresa, Terry, Theo, Theresa, Thibault, Thibaut, Thomas, Thorsten, Tim, Timm, Timothy, Tobias, Tom, Tomas, Tony, Torsten, Tristan, Tyler, Ulrich, Ulrike, Ursula, Ute, Uwe, Valentin, Valentine, Veronica, Victor, Victoria, Vincent, Virginia, Vojtech, Volker, Walter, Walther, Waltraud, Wayne, Werner, Wilfried, Wilhelm, Willi, William, Willie, Willy, Wolfgang, Yann, Yvonne, Zachary, Zoe, Zuzana.

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