Sweeping 2-line name plate - customizable

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Sweeping 2-line name plate - customizable


Print Profile(10)

X1 Carbon

"whatever it is..." - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
"whatever it is..." - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.2 h
1 plate

"Flat is boring" - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
"Flat is boring" - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1.1 h
1 plate

"whatever it is.." tiny version! 0.2mm nozzle, 0.06mm layer
"whatever it is.." tiny version! 0.2mm nozzle, 0.06mm layer
1.1 h
1 plate

"Happy Birthday" - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
"Happy Birthday" - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
2.6 h
1 plate
Click to see more

1.8 k


👉 Please rate the print profiles and follow me if you like - It would help tremendously. 👈


A desktop nameplate, sweeping around in a circle.

Included names as STL

In total more than 600 first names are included as STL and the following texts: “Whatever it is, I'm against it”, “Don't Panic!”, “Flat is boring”, “<- I'm with stupid”, “Random plastic junk”, “Please stop helping”.

You can customize it to show your name or text. To do that, use the customize button and please add your model as a remix to this page.

Other models

If you like it, please have a look at all my customizable creations

There are configurable-text-based creations, fidget rings, and more.

There are also more configurable keychains available, the keychain-name-tag

the letter bead keychain

the wobbly letter cube keychain

the shopping cart coin

the chain of letters

the working keychain cannon

Check also the working print-in-place cannon:

Or the working slot machine

And here are more ready made name plagtes, e.g. 1200 name plates with the text “I love you…":

Or install OpenSCAD on your own computer and follow the customizing instructions below or follow these in depth instructions.

Note: Press “download STL” to see all files, including the .scad file!

Per popular request (thanks to melzein for reminding me even with a full print), you can set the font alignment (center, left, right) separately from the special characters. And you can have two special characters, on both sides at the same time. Please activate “textmetrics” in OpenSCAD to use the latest version!

And you can add any emoji as special character on the side! Just use the customizer or use 
Please make sure you installed the free noto emoji font from google and use the latest SCAD file.


Bugfixes: Instagram logo renders now, thanks to Scabackel and others to report the issue.

Detailed customizing instructions

Using the OpenSCAD customizer, you can customize (see also section below):

  • Install the latest develop snapshot of OpenSCAD on your own computer
  • activate “textmetrics” via Edit → Preferences → Features → textmetrics
  • follow the detailed customizing instructions below or follow these in depth instructions.
  • You can add a big heart ♥, smiley ☺ or other special characters (†←→↑↓◄►♪♫☼♀♂♦♠♣∞#!?$%&*+@) now to the left or right of the text! And you can choose also special characters, like pen, clock, key, pin, star, gift, thumbs up, thumbs down, cogwheel, mail, cake, person, Instagram, cloud, book, speaking bubble, puzzle piece, shopping cart, cloud download, boarding pass, trashcan, circular arrows and many more.
  • You can have 2 lines on top of each other (as requested by schoonke), or even 3 lines (as requested by blitza700). To configure, leave some "textstring" variables empty, and there will be less lines generated.
  • You can add magnets, as requested by leostevo. You can select sizes like a Cube 10x1, Cylinder 8x3, Cylinder5x2.5, Cylinder8x1.7 or Cylinder12x2.5. Also you can embed them in your print by increasing magnet_closing_layer to 0.2mm, as requested by Mavi222, check out his make for more info.
  • "HiddenText" and "HiddenTextSize" will generate text on the underside of the base of the nameplate. Use it for notes, dates, hidden messages, etc.
  • The roundness: Set "faces_segment=2" to have a quick preview in the customizer on this webpage. Once all is OK, set "faces_segment=8" to make the final render.
  • The shown text.
  • You can set "Bold", "Italic", etc, for each line. It must be supported by the text you selected though. (e.g. Bangers does not support it)
  • The font. Nice is e.g.: "Orbitron", "Bangers" or "Luckiest Guy". You can set all fonts (top line, bottom line and under-base-text) separately. By default, all are same as "fontname1".
  • Each lines font size individually.
  • The angle where the text is cut (lower angle will make printing easier)
  • The distance between the lines
  • The type of base (round, minimal_straight, pedestal, chamfered_rectangle, rectangle, rounded_rectangle). Thanks to rlsmith46 and bratoff for the idea. Use "minimal_straight" if you want to print the text face-down.
  • Wether you want the text up (to put it onto a table, etc) or upside-down (e.g. to stick it on a wall)
  • You can print caps for the text to glue them on top. Just set part_to_generate="text_caps". This was mrcpu's idea and request.
  • You can add "swiss-cheese" holes in the base plate. This is an experimental feature for TheprofessorODK to add metal spikes to the model.

If you could take a picture of an actual print, please "comment" and attach the picture. - I am curious to see your uses in the wild!

If you like it, please have a look at all my customizable creations. There are configurable-text-based creations, multi-line label, gadget display stand, sweeping name plate, bunting banner, customizable text box III, pyramid text, name plate, Customizable text box with lid and round text. Have also a look at my configurable pack of dogs, rabbits, reindeers and santas. There are also useful coat hangers and finger toys.
Or just check out all my creations.

By the way, the quote "Whatever it is, I'm against it." is from a song by Groucho Marx in the movie 'Horse Feathers'.

Have fun!


You can print it without any support, as long as you leave the cut-angle below 90 degrees.
Standard settings will be fine, like infill of 20%, layer height of .2mm, 2 perimeters, 4 solid layers on top/bottom.

Upright print by MrCharlie: Octolapse

Here a video of DynoCZ's print: Timelapse movie

Customizing instructions

  • Download latest version of OpenSCAD, (See section "Development snapshots" at (https://www.openscad.org/downloads.html) )
  • If you want to use the latest Version “Centered_Sweeping_Name_Plate_VZZ__NeedsTextmetrics.scad”, please also activate “textmetrics” in OpenSCAD: Edit → Preferences → Features → textmetrics
  • Download the .SCAD file from here.
  • Open the .scad file in OpenSCAD.
  • Change the variables to your liking:
    • In the OpenSCAD "View" menu, the option called [Hide customizer] must be unselected to display the customizer.
    • Alternatively, change variables in the code: You find the variables in the beginning of the .SCAD file. E.g. text="your text";
  • For fonts:
    • Set the fontname (and ensure you have that font installed on your system): fontname="Bangers";
  • Press "F5" to get a quick preview.
  • Press "F6" when you like the preview. This will render the geometry and takes a little time.
  • Press "F7" to save the geometry to an .STL file.
  • Slice and print the .STL file.

Some Fixes if you have issues with OpenSCAD:
1) Your font of choice is not found by OpenSCAD on your PC.

2) OpenSCAD won't pick up newly installed fonts in C:/Windows/Fonts.

  • In case new fonts are missing, put the font TTF files also in C:\Program Files/OpenSCAD/fonts/Liberation-2.00.1/ttf and restart OpenSCAD again.
  • Alternatively, put them in C:\Program Files/OpenSCAD/fonts/Lib

Alternative Printing instructions

Here are helpful hints from MrCharlie for an alternative way to print, see also his make:

  • Printing the letter faces flat on the build plate is a nice look. For this:
    • Make sure to make the base thicker and use the "minimal base", so set "round base" to "0".
    • Ensure the top text is not much wider than the bottom text.
    • There is still an overhang from the base which requires killer cooling/bridging ability or better toss some supports just under the base.
  • If you are doing two lines somewhat close together, having a font where the P's etc don't drop below the line is best, use capitals if you have to. HOLTWOOD ONE, BOWLBY and LUCKIEST GUY are 3 fonts I know that do that.
  • If you have a small print bed you can place this at 45 degrees to make the most of the build space.
  • Printing time at .2 and 60-80 MM/s: A short name was 5 hours (for 140mm width). A very long name takes 15 hours (at 240mm).

Names included

Here I list some of the Czech, German and English names availabe as STL files. The names are included here so people using this site find this print and the STL when searching for their name.

Aaron, Abigail, Adam, Adela, Adrian, Adrien, Agathe, Alan, Albert, Ales, Alex, Alexander, Alexandra, Alexandre, Alexia, Alexis, Alfred, Alice, Alicia, Amanda, Amandine, Amber, Amelie, Amy, Anais, Andre, Andrea, Andreas, Andrew, Aneta, Anette, Angela, Angelika, Anja, Anke, Ann, Anna, Anneliese, Annette, Anthony, Antje, Antoine, Arnaud, Arthur, Ashley, Astrid, Audrey, Aurelie, Aurelien, Aurore, Austin, Axel, Baptiste, Bara, Barbara, Bastien, Beate, Ben, Benjamin, Benoit, Bernd, Berndt, Bernhard, Bernt, Bettina, Betty, Beverly, Billy, Birgit, Björn, Bobby, Brandon, Brenda, Brian, Brigitte, Britta, Brittany, Bruce, Bryan, Bärbel, Camille, Carin, Carl, Carla, Carol, Caroline, Carolyn, Carsten, Catharina, Catherine, Cathrin, Catrin, Cecile, Cedric, Celia, Celine, Charles, Charlotte, Cheryl, Chiara, Chloe, Chris, Christa, Christel, Christian, Christiane, Christina, Christine, Christoph, Christopher, Claire, Clara, Claudia, Claus, Clemence, clement, Coline, Coralie, Corentin, Cornelia, Curt, Cynthia, Cyril, Dagmar, Damien, Daniel, Daniela, Danielle, David, Deborah, Debra, Denisa, Denise, Dennis, Detlef, Detlev, Diana, Diane, Dieter, Dirk, Dominick, Dominika, Donald, Donna, Dorian, Doris, Dorothy, Douglas, Dylan, Edith, Edward, Elena, Elfriede, Elias, Elijah, Elisa, Elisabeth, Elise, Eliska, Elizabeth, Elke, Ella, Ellie, Elodie, Elsa, Emeline, Emil, Emilia, Emilie, Emily, Emma, Enzo, Eric, Erica, Erich, Erika, Erna, Ernst, Erwan, Erwin, Estelle, Ethan, Eugene, Eva, Evelyn, Evzen, Fabien, Fanny, Filip, Finn, Florent, Florian, Frances, Francesco, Francois, Frank, Franz, Frida, Frieda, Friedrich, Fritz, Gabriel, Gabriele, Gaetan, Gary, Georg, George, Gerald, Gerd, Gerda, Gerhard, Gerhardt, Gert, Gertrud, Gisela, Gloria, Grace, Gregory, Gudrun, Guillaume, Günter, Günther, Hana, Hannah, Hannelore, Hans, Harald, Harold, Hartmut, Heather, Heidi, Heike, Heiko, Heinrich, Heinz, Helen, Helene, Helga, Helmut, Helmuth, Henry, Herbert, Hermann, Herta, Hertha, Hildegard, Holger, Honza, Horst, hugo, Ilse, Ines, Inge, Ingeborg, Ingo, Ingrid, Irmgard, Irmgart, Isabella, Ivonne, Jack, Jacob, Jacqueline, Jade, James, Jan, Jana, Janet, Janice, Jason, Jean, Jeanne, Jeffrey, Jennifer, Jens, Jeremy, Jerome, Jerry, Jesse, Jessica, Jirka, Jitka, Joachim, Joan, Joe, Joerg, Johann, Johanna, Johannes, John, Johnny, Jonathan, Jordan, Jose, Joseph, Joshua, Joyce, Juan, Judith, Judy, Julia, Julie, Julien, Juliette, Justin, Justine, Jutta, Jörg, Jörn, Jürgen, Kai, Karel, Karen, Karin, Karl, Karolina, Karsten, Katarina, Kate, Katharina, Katherine, Kathleen, Kathrin, Kathryn, Katie, Katja, Katrin, Katrina, Kayla, Keith, Kelly, Kenneth, Kerstin, Kevin, Kimberly, Kirsten, Klara, Klaudia, Klaus, Krista, Kristian, Kristina, Kristine, Kuba, Kurt, Kyle, Käte, Käthe, Laetitia, Larry, Lars, Laura, Lauren, Laurie, Laurine, Lawrence, Lea, Lena, Lenka, Leo, Leon, Liam, Lies

Comment & Rating (10)

Please fill in your opinion

This is super cool thanks! A question thou, how do I change the font? I couldnt find an option and I can see different fonts on some of your pictures!
The designer has replied
You can use the .scad file i attached here. Then install OpenSCAD and change the "font" variable. Then you can play with all fonts. Only the parametric model maker currently doesnt support it.
Replying to @Makkuro :
Cool, I am somewhat familiar with OpenScad. I am having trouble finding the attached .scad file though.
Replying to @zhakryuu :
Press "Download STL" to get the .scad file
Hi, please how to remove left special character or emoji, I really need just name :) thanks
The designer has replied
Yes! You are right: It was not possible. I added the "none" option, then it is gone. Thank you for noticing me!
This is great. Thanks!
The designer has replied
Thank you! Did you print a design?
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