Quarto Mini Travel

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Quarto Mini Travel

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
10.1 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


This is a version of Quarto, a fun, short, two player game. Thanks to MalteBY who uploaded the files that I modified so that the game would be easier to travel with. Quarto Play Rules.

Final dimensions are about 4" x 4.5" x 2.25" (length x width x height)

Print Instructions:

  • Each of the play pieces need to be printed in two different colors. The mid tray and bottom tray can be printed in any color, and I just used the same as the two colors for the play pieces. The top can be printed in any color too, but I found it is easier to see the pieces in play if the lid is a different color. 
  • For the lid, mid tray, and bottom tray, supports are a must, but try to bridge where possible to make removing supports easier. I'd also recommend adding supports on some of the larger bridges.
  • The lid arm hinges only have a clearance of 0.2mm so may need some adjustment depending on your settings and printer.
  • If you made the pieces by MalteBY, and aren't interested in adding magnets, the play pieces do not need to be reprinted.

Assembly Instructions:

  • If looking to add magnets so the pieces are more stable on the board, I added a bore to the bottom of each the play pieces for a 6mm x 2mm magnet and a bore to the play board for for 8mm x 2mm. (Diameter x Height).
  • If the lid arms are not staying closed, there are spots for small 3mm x 2mm magnets. (Diameter x Height)

Any magnets should do but for reference, here are the ones I used:

Plans For Future Improvements:

  • Reduce Support
  • The bottom tray is set up for a steel sheet to hold the pieces (with magnets) not placed yet, but I haven't tried this yet.
  • Add some visual cues to help identify which direction the trays orient to each other. Currently, the trays and lid go together one way, and that can take some guessing and checking to get right.

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