Qidi X-Smart 3 Printer Top Spool Holder

Qidi X-Smart 3 Printer Top Spool Holder


Print Profile(2)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% gyroid infill, no support
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% gyroid infill, no support
4.3 h
1 plate

Test piece (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill, no support)
Test piece (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill, no support)
20 min
1 plate



Spool holder to placed on top of the printer using the ‘roof’ details to stay in place.


This was designed as a prototype for printing with TPU/Flexible filament.

The goal is to make the shortest path to the extruder and reduce friction. You are supposed to remove the lid while printing with PLA/TPU so I tried to utilize all the top details to help stabilize the spool holder. Open end holder to make feeding easier. This mostly use the model+spool's weight to stay in place so be careful when using - I cannot guarantee it will stay put depending the printer head rapid/jerk movement. 


Sharing the design in case it helps someone or sparks an idea.

Added a small test piece so you can try this “bridging” on top of the printer.


As reference I printed in PETG, 0.2mm layers, 4 walls, 20% gyroid. (no supports needed in the provided orientation).

My spacing tolerances wasn't so good on my prototype but so far I've done about 7 small TPU prints without issues.

I've added electric tape on the model to help a bit with the friction of the spool's cardboard.

(Left the other roll in the PTFE tube to avoid turning off the run-out sensor)



Note: Current spool max width is ⁓70mm.


The idea sprang from a random video where the the creator made a spool holder going on top of his printer in order in order to remove as much “friction” as possible when printing with TPU. (I suppose credits to youtube/@JATdesign)



PS: This design might not even be needed for printing with TPU ; I haven't actually tried the normal filament routing with my TPU roll yet. I was curious about the concept and my model so I started using it right away.


Update 24h after: I've tried the standard filament routing for few more 95A TPU prints (⁓5h) with no issues. Small parts but I didn't notice any signs of under-extrusion which I suppose too much friction would cause. I don't have enough experience with flexible filament to judge other cosmetic appearance. YMMV but it does appear to not be needed for 95A and above on this printer.

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