Hræfn CoreXY 3D Printer

Hræfn CoreXY 3D Printer


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

ABS/ASA preferred 0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 8-10wall top and bottom, min 40% infill
ABS/ASA preferred 0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 8-10wall top and bottom, min 40% infill
37.9 h
13 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


The Hræfn, A Contemporary Approach to Classic Linear Rod CoreXY Printers.

The Hræfn is a CoreXY 3D printer designed for efficiency, affordability, and a large build volume. This project aims to incorporate existing innovations into a simplified and easily maintainable machine, while also encouraging community involvement (Design fully open sourced).

Printer Swept Volume: 285x295x265 (XYZ)

Bed volume: 235x235x285 (Ender-3 Bed)



Key Features

  1. LM8UU/LM10UU Bearing Motion System: The Hræfn utilizes an economical LM8UU/LM10UU bearing motion system instead of MGN linear rails. This choice allows for cost savings without compromising performance, making the printer accessible to users with various budgets.
  2. Two Styles of Bed Systems Available: The Hræfn now offers two styles of bed systems:
    • Triple Z Bed System (Still in Alpha): This system utilizes Delrin V wheels on cantilevered 2020 extrusions and printed pivoting joints for bed leveling.
    • Rigid Bed System (New): The alternative bed system is a similar implementation of the Vz-bot bed system with 4 LM10UU bearings and two TR8 leadscrews linked to a single stepper motor with a closed-loop 6mm belt. It offers versatility as it rely on extrusions as the base, allowing for adaptation to various bed configurations on to the base.
  3. Fully Enclosed System: Minimally cut lexan/plexiglass/ACP panels are necessary to achieve a fully enclosed system for the Hræfn. This enclosure enhances temperature control and environmental stability, promoting consistent print quality.
  4. Expanded Travel Capability: The printer boasts ample travel beyond the heated bed, allowing for the future implementation of the following features:
    1. Auto Z Offset Sexbolt System: An upcoming upgrade includes an auto Z offset system utilizing sexbolts. This automated feature enables precise and convenient adjustment of the nozzle offset, resulting in improved print quality.
    2. Zero-Click Probe: The Hræfn will incorporate a derivative of the klicky probe called the Zero-Click probe. This innovative addition enables automated bed leveling, enhancing overall printing accuracy.
    3. Nozzle Wipe Mechanism: To prevent filament residue from affecting print quality, a nozzle wipe mechanism will be included. This feature ensures cleaner prints and minimizes the risk of nozzle clogs during long print jobs.
    4. External Part Cooling: For advanced part cooling requirements, an external part cooling system is being developed similar to SCS. This additional cooling capability will cater to intricate and complex prints, delivering superior results. Also an instance of CPAP is also in the further timeline.
    5. Fume Extractor Integration: In response to health concerns associated with ABS fumes, the Hræfn will incorporate a fume extractor system. This feature effectively captures and removes ABS fumes, creating a safer operating environment for users.

Source: BitBucket

Join the exciting community led by @rolls17, the brilliant mind behind the BugBu, and be a part of the Hræfn's thrilling development journey! Together, we are building a printer that combines the best existing innovations, all while keeping things simple and budget-friendly. Get ready for energy-packed updates and discussions in our dedicated channel. Don't miss out on the opportunity to shape the future of this amazing machine! Join us now and let's revolutionize 3D printing!


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