Trådförvarare: Dry Box Spool Holder IKEA Samla 45L

Trådförvarare: Dry Box Spool Holder IKEA Samla 45L


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
6.5 h
7 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


I came up with this dry box holder after using 22L Samla boxes for a while to store my filament. Here are the advantages of using a 45L Samla box instead:

  • It fits up to 10 spools compared to the 8 spools in 2x22L boxes while requiring the same space
  • Filament swaps are less of an hassle as the likelihood of having to open multiple boxes is at least halved
  • The setup is cheaper, as 2x22L boxes are more expensive than 1x45L

The 45L box is perfect for PLA and PETG, I have between 40-50% humidity in my area and with desiccant I can store it below 20% for 6+ months depending on how frequently I have to open the box. I still use 22L boxes for hygroscopic material like Nylon, TPU or PVA, but with a gasket.

Change Log:

  • 2024-03-29 v1.1: Added loose fit variant of connectors and original tight ones are printed in PETG now
  • 2024-02-24 v1.0: Initial release


  • This design has been optimized to minimize waste of filament
    • One frame piece is 30g which is possible as it is only there to position the rod holders
    • The complete print is 215g, that is less than many 22L spool holders out there
  • The rods have been tested with double the load (5 stacked spools instead of 2.5 per section) for multiple days
  • The rod holders are designed to leverage the additional space in the upper part of the box, generating the required space to fit 10 Bambu spools
  • Optimized for loose desiccant as you can more easily see the color-change. Use the clips to easily get the frame out in one piece, when it is time to dry the desiccant
  • Includes a hygrometer holder that is angled 45 degrees to be easily readable, when the box is on the floor

Printing instructions

Note that the design requires a print bed of 250x170mm or bigger. You could split the frames in the middle, though. Print each plate in the profile once, except the last two. The last two plates are containing connector clips and hygrometer holder, which are optional. The tight fit variant is designed to be printed in PETG and the loose fit variant for PLA. Here are the key settings should you use another slicer than Bambu Studio:

  • Print the frame with two perimeters/walls at 0.28mm layer height and 15% cubic infill
  • Print the rods with 4 perimeters at 0.28mm layer height and 25% cubic infill and reduce the speed, if you have a high-speed printer with stock nozzle
  • Print the hygrometer holder with 0.16mm layer height and 15% infill, it has been designed to print without supports, but there is a small overhang benefiting from the lower layer height
    • The tight fit connectors are recommended to be printed in PETG. PLA does work, but requires proper flow calibration and the latches of the connectors might break apart when not assembled carefully
    • Loose fit connectors can be printed in PLA


  • Put the 4 frames together as shown in the assembly view below or use the assembly view in your slicer
  • Put the 4 rods together and install them onto the rod holders. Note that the angled side of the rod holders have to face the outside rod holders
  • Optional: Put the digital hygrometer into the holder and clip it on one of the long edges. The holder is for hygrometers with a 41mm diameter on the inside (not the top). I bought the hygrometer on Amazon
  • Optional: Use the other two connectors to keep the 2x2 frames together. Only required, if you put loose desiccant into the box and want to more easily remove the holder in one piece without removing the hygrometer first


Assembled View

Comment & Rating (54)

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Excellent design that fits perfectly into the 45L box. No need to change tolerances. Printed on an X1C.
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
That is a great idea, generally works fine and fits into the IKEA box. For me this is the best storage system if you often switch your filaments and are too lazy to handle lots of plastic bags or expensive single boxes. I printed the frame (red) in PLA and the rods (black) in ABS without scaling. Fits! But I also had the problem with the small connectors. They break...always. I tried various filament types with loose or tight fit.
The designer has replied
thanks for the feedback. I will add an easy fit hygrometer holder to my backlog. The other clips have to be tight to keep the frame together when removed. Still thinking about another way to reliably connect the frames even with higher tolerances…
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
like a glow, perfect !!
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
Super fast and practical print and profiles. Some joints have partially broken when fitting them because of tight tolerances (used PETG) but they do work.
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
The tolerances werekinda small and fitting it together really tight. The connector between the 4 segments flat put broke while trying to get it to snap on
The designer has replied
thanks for the feedback. did you do a flow calibration? I will add a version with a higher tolerance, but this will also mean that the parts might will wiggle more when assembled.
Yeah did do a flow calib. honestly though a little bit of wiggle would probably not hurt as the box is still there holding it together (works just fine without those connectors too) only thing that kinda miffed me was that the Hygrometer holder did not fit like this (just tucked it into a side of a spool for now xD)
Replying to @Haraise_Tenshi :
Thanks for the clarification. I will make a "loose fit" version as soon as I'll have a minute.
Nice design i am going to print one right away
The designer has replied
Very nice, though i needed a hammer to join the parts and it seems to be a few mm to wide for the box. I dont know if it is due to something with the model or something on my end.
Thanks for the feedback. For me it snapped right in using my fingers. I think I could increase the tolerances a bit (atm 0.2mm), did you do a flow calibration for your filament? I am astonished about not fitting the box, though. Is it only on the long axis? And from which year is your Samla box? Mine is from 2024 and the bottom is a bit wider than the 491.7mm I got from the reference model. If yours is different I could do a second version, if I have the measurements.
Replying to @jr2142 :
The assembly fit might be due to the fact that i used som very old "wet" filament
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
Tolerances are still very tight and tend to break when connecting.
The designer has replied
thanks for the feedback. Connectors, rods or both?
Replying to @jr2142 :
I had to use a rubber mallet to connect the rods (printed in pla). I connected them to the frame as best I could. The petg tight connectors also are giving me problems. I haven't tried the loose pla small connectors yet
Great design, I'm going to try this one. Does a version for the 22L Samla also exist?
The designer has replied
Not from me, but my design was inspired by the 22L spool holder drybox design from ThomaS. It is much more sturdy but uses 170g of filament for a 22L holder compared to the 200g for this 45L one. I still use this for all my 22L boxes.
Replying to @jr2142 :
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
Printed in PLA but I think PETG would have been slightly better. Tolerance when assembling is really tight but I was able to get it done! I modified the hygrometer holder to a rectangular shape as I had some made like that on hand. Overall it is working as it should. Great job!
The designer has replied
Thanks for the feedback. I will slightly increase the tolerances on the next update. May I ask what you had the most trouble with? The rods, clips or both? And I am curious: why do you think that PETG would have been better?
Replying to @jr2142 :
I had problems with the connectors (the clips and the hygrometer holder) as they all broke while assembling. The only reason for PETG would have been to get a more resistant material while connecting the parts together. By the way, I finally printed the connectors and the modified rectangular hygrometer holder in ABS and everything went perfect. Thank you again for your great and useful design. PS: the humidity reading (in the attached photo) is high as I had just finished to fill it with spools when I took the picture... normally it stays at about 20-22%.
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2/4 walls 15%/25% infill
Good design, but the clips are too tight. They all break.
The designer has replied
Just released v1.1 including a loose fit variant of the clips. Hope that works better.


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