MPPC for Bambulab X1C / P1P / P2S / A1 modular print plate cube

MPPC for Bambulab X1C / P1P / P2S / A1 modular print plate cube


Print Profile(3)

X1 Carbon

X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
19.5 h
10 plates

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
19.1 h
11 plates

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
19.4 h
11 plates





Why did I take the MPPC?

There were currently only holders that could hold a certain number of printing plates. I have now disposed of several holders because I have bought more and more plates over time.
I wanted to remedy this and build a printing plate holder that can be expanded and stores the plates so that I can get the plate I need.




This is my first version “v1” of the MPPC. I would like to ask you not to make any remixes yet, as I would like to integrate a modular Tollbox. Version v2 will then be open for remixes, but the basis of this version will be retained.

This model does not require any screws. If you have problems with the accuracy of the trusses, you can set a scaling factor for the trusses in the slicer (I recommend working with -0.05 steps).
I have included a section of the connectors, so in order to save material, I recommend that you first print the test connector if it fits all other components.



I printed all components with eSUN ABS+ with 3x walls, 3x lids and 3x bottoms 15% infill without support and without edge. eSUN ABS+ on the X1C rush bed to 105c otherwise you will have warping.
If you print eSUN AB+ with the P1S, you should print a border as the P1S can only handle a hot bed temperature of 100c.


ATTENTION: Set the Infill direction to 90o


If you have any suggestions or suggestions for improvement, please feel free to write to me.




Warum habe ich den MPPC gemacht?


Es gab aktuell nur Halterungen, die eine bestimmte Anzahl an Druck Platten aufnehmen konnten, ich habe nun schon mehrere Halterungen wieder entsorgt, da ich mit der Zeit immer mehr Platten gekauft habe.

Hier wollte ich Abhilfe schaffen und mir einen Druckplattenhalterung bauen, die erweiterbar und die Platten so lagert, damit ich schnell die Platte finde die ich benötige.


Das ist meine erste Version „v1“ des MPPC ich möchte euch bitten, noch keine Remixes anzufertigen, da ich noch eine modulare Tollbox integrieren möchte.




Dieses Modell kommt ganz ohne Schrauben aus. Wenn Ihr mit der Passgenauigkeit der Traversen Probleme haben solltet, könnt Ihr im Slicer einen Skalierungsfactor bei den Traversen einstellen (ich empfehle mit -0,05 Schritten zu arbeiten).

Ich habe dazu einen Ausschnitt der Verbinder mit beigelegt, somit empfehle ich euch, um Material zu sparen, zunächst den Testverbinder zu drucken, wenn der passt Feuer frei für alle anderen Bauteile.


Gedruckt habe ich den Tower mit eSUN ABS+ auf dem X1C & P1S dabei, habe ich festgestellt, dass bei meinem P1S die Bauteile geringfügig größer waren, dennoch haben alle Teile von beiden Druckern gepasst.



Gedruckt habe ich alle Bauteile mit eSUN ABS+ mit 3x Wände 3x Deckel und 3x Boden 15% Infill ohne Support und ohne Rand. eSUN ABS auf dem X1C Hetzbett auf 105c sonst habt Ihr warping.

Wenn Ihr eSUN ABS+ mit dem P1S druckt, solltet Ihr einen Rand mit drucken, da der P1S nur 100c Heitzbett Temperatur kann.


ACHTUNG: Bitte den Parameter Richtung der Füllung auf 90o setzen, da die Bauteile um 135o verdreht auf der Druckplatte liegen.

ich habe ein weiteres Druckprofil hinzugefügt.

Wenn Ihr Anregungen oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt könnt Ihr mir gern schreiben.

Comment & Rating (12)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
This is one of the fuller build plate options that I could find. It takes a lot of filament so I'd prepare to have 2KG (1 of each color) on hand depending on how high you wanted to stick it. I tried to save filament and ended up with a rough top that ended up needing to be sanded (PLA with 5% infill, gyroid, and 2 walls). Overall pleased though. My recommendations would be to try and make a slimmer version to reduce filament/space usage as this is certainly a big boi.
The designer has replied
@AdVancedYourself Nice to see your printed version, thank you very much! I would be happy to see more printed versions. Yes, I admit, it requires a lot of filament. I'll see if I can slim down the side panels a little without it affecting the stability.
Thanks so much I had just found this on printable's and was having a little fun trying to piece everything together and find out what i needed and how much. Greatly appreciate the print files. If possible add a few pics of the assembly or inside without the covers to align the parts correctly. thanks
The designer has replied
Thanks for your feedback, OK let's see if I can get to it tomorrow, maybe I'll make an assembly video tomorrow. As a creator, you are so deeply involved in the project that you don't think about the fact that people who haven't worked on it don't know how the parts fit together.
Can this also stand vertically ?
The designer has replied
Yes, it could work if you glue the parts together. However, I haven't tried this yet.
I will be printing this soon, as I have so many plates and hate setting them up vertically. Any chance of a a-1 mini version to fit on top of this for multiple plates?
The designer has replied
I currently have a few other projects in the pipe, if I have some time again I would like to scale them up for the A1 mini disks.
Hut ab, das nenne ich mal eine gute Idee, denn es lässt sich gut Drucken und was noch wichtiger, ist es, ist erweiterbar, danke für die tolle Arbeit
Print Profile
X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
X1C and P1S 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
No more


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.