Christmas Puzzle Gift Box V2

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Christmas Puzzle Gift Box V2


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
5.2 h
4 plates



Christmas Puzzle Gift Box V2



  • A locked lid
  • A hidden key and locking system
  • Super strong lock (Box will not open without removing the bolt or breaking it)
  • Print in multiple colours without AMS
  • Fun for kids
  • Secret storage
  • Reusable

This Christmas puzzle box is a great addition to anyone's Christmas day!


Fill it with sweets or gifts and give your kids the challenge of figuring out how to open the lid!


You need to print the following parts for a full puzzle box:

  1. Box
  2. Lid
  3. Side ribbon strip x 4
  4. Top ribbon strips
  5. Key
  6. Bolt
  7. Bolt Cap
  8. Key Cap

All parts are easy to print and fit together easily with generous tolerances.




  • Tilt the box on it's side
  • Gently slide a side ribbon strip into the track.
  • Keep sliding until it meets the stop.
  • Repeat this on all 4 sides.
  • Put the lid on
  • Locate the bolt through the hole in the box and into the threads in the lid. (Start by hand)
  • Turn the bolt all the way in with the key
  • Cover the bolt with the bolt cap
  • Put the key into it's secret compartment
  • Cover the key with the key cap.




  1. Take off the caps (Key cap is deliberately tricky - Bolt cap can be popped out by squeezing the box)
  2. Tap the box on your hand or a hard surface to release the key (if it hasn't already fallen out)
  3. Use the key to unscrew the bolt enough to get a grip with your fingers.
  4. Remove the bolt entirely and place to one side.
  5. Open the lid!

Print Settings:


Nozzle: 0.4mm

Infill: 12% Gyroid

Layer Height: 0.2mm

Support: None

Perimeters: 5

Top/bottom Layers: 5


This will make everything pretty solid with minimal infill being used.


Tip: If you find that the side ribbon strips are tight, then print them at 0.12 layer height. This should give a little more tolerance between the sliding parts.


Thanks for looking!


Please don't forget to post pictures of your makes :)




Extreme Edition Now Available With Even More Secrets!

Comment & Rating (36)

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Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
Nice print ! Thank you
The designer has replied
It looks fantastic! Would you mind if I used your image in the listing? :) Thanks for sharing!
its giving Animal Crossing vibes lol
Replying to @Zurlingo3D :
No problem !
Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
Very good model!
Added a blocker in the middle of top ribbon 2 so it would sit flush on top of box and number 1 would sit flush as well.
Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
print quality was fine. nice way to give a present. however, the key was a bit small, as a result of which the lock was a bit hard to open.
Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
The plate was clean and glued.. even the joints in the back don't work
would it work reduced in size?
The designer has replied
I can't guarantee this to be honest. You could try it, but I think you may have some tolerance issues as It is already scaled to 50% of the original size to make it a quicker print. Thanks :)
thanks mate! it is a great size as is!
May I ask; how should the little 'cap' stay in place on the keyhole? I do not perceive any mechanical means to keep it in place, and mine just falls off. I've printed it with bambu PLA, 0.16 layer height. Edit: hm ... now that the bow is printed as well, there seem to be problems all around the place. Tolerances are too loose, the whole thing just falls apart; there are no ways to keep things in place. (for eg how about a lip on the bow/ribbon bits' ends so they clip onto the lid?) The only thing tight is the thread; it's so hard to work in that if you put it together without much loosening first, you won't be able to take it apart again, especially since the "key" is effectively a rod, no purchase on it. I'm sorry, although a neat idea, this design needs quite a bit of work.
The designer has replied
Sorry for the late reply... It should be printed at 0.2mm layer height to avoid the issues stated above. This is what the tolerances were designed for and any other layer height is not guaranteed. If you want to print at a higher resolution then I would suggest scaling it down to around 90% and trying it again at 0.16. This could take quite a lot of trial an error though as there are a lot of parts that need to work together for good fitment. A lot of other people have printed this using the profile provided and rated it highly, so I can only advise you try that, and then maybe start playing with scale and sizes to suit your needs. Thanks for printing :)
Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
tolerance on the key lid was a bit of but a bit of tinkering it was ik.
sadly mine didn't work out well as the tolerances are far too tight. The side-ribbon-parts won't fit into the boxes' sides. I needed to reduce size (98% of x/y scale), but they only fitted backside forward. Which doesn't look as nice as it could. Furthermore the mechanism itself it good, but the "screw"-part didn't fit into the boxes' lid. My husband tried and destroyed. It would be better to have the 'screw' coned like a real screw (ends). Therefore it would easier fit into the thread of the lid. I will try to print it again, a little smaller and hope this helps, as it is a very nice idea. But if it fails, after 5 attemts, I will surrender and just print a normal (gift) box.
Print Profile
All Parts, 4 Plates, 0.2mm layer, 5 walls, 12% infill
this prinnted perfect used for my partners birthday gift


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.