Amolen/Locyfens 200g AMS Adapter Spool

Amolen/Locyfens 200g AMS Adapter Spool


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
4.5 h
2 plates

0.6mm nozzle, parts avoid initial top-right purge lines
0.6mm nozzle, parts avoid initial top-right purge lines
3.6 h
2 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Amolen & Locyfens 200g Spool Adapter for AMS

As I often purchase Amolen color packs, which come in 200g spools, I needed a straightforward, sturdy, and reliable adapter for my AMS. Unfortunately, I was never completely satisfied with the designs released so far, so I took the best aspects from all designs and created an entirely new adapter.

Here is my attempt to develop the best spool adapter for using Amolen 200g spools in the AMS.

Both adapter plates are equipped with 4 fixing points each, which fit into the existing holes of Amolen spools. This prevents the spool from slipping within the adapter. Additionally, both adapter plates are screwed together, which clamps the spool securely and keeps the fixing points on the spool.

Filament Clip:

Since i don't like to bend my Filament to hold it in place, i left the typical holes out and designed my adapters to fit the "Not another Filament Clips" by Brent Peterson, which are intended for the original Bambulab spools.

After Print:
You need to loosen the screw and thread a bit initially. Directly after printing, they might be a bit stiff since the threads have minimal play. This allows for clean tightening even after repeated use.

Amolen seems to use two slightly different spool types. One fits perfectly into my adapter, but with the other, the holes are a bit closer together, making it not fit the adapter right away. The User “sixty5low” has found a pragmatic solution here—you just need to cut off one pin for each, thanks for that! You can see pictures of his solution in the comments.

Closing Words:
I would greatly appreciate feedback, and if you have any questions, issues, or suggestions, feel free to share them! :)

Documentation (1)

Assembly Guide (1)
IMG_3063 (3)_183d1604-4b73-4139-8ecb-59021aa5c883.gif

Comment & Rating (90)

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How timely! I just got a sample set of their silk dual-colour spools delivered, and started looking for an adapter. At first glance, the method of screwing the two sides together seems to make a lot of sense and should be fairly bombproof compared to some other methods I've seen. One bit of feedback, however - when opened with, a warning pops up that the 3mf was created with I believe that's still listed as a beta version, and might not be the best option for uploading profiles as of yet. It might be worth re-uploading a profile created with the current stable version. In the meantime, I'm tempted to just import the model anyway and print off one of these with the remainder of one of the sample spools that came with my X1C.
The designer has replied
Hey, yeah, espacially the clamb Adapters are a bit weak and tend to lose the spool. On the other side they're a more quick and dirty solution wich will also do the work, but i needed a more stable Design. Thats kinda strange because my Bambu Studio is also running on Version - but i'll dig into this to find the problem or better the solution... :o)
Replying to @Ziqpel :
Yup, your screw-together design seems far more robust. It's not like it's using much more material to do it this way, either. There's the core on one half that goes down the middle of the spool and the other screw-on part on plate 1, but it feels like the bulk of the material goes into the body of the spool itself, and that's something that needs to be printed regardless of how the mechanism that holds the spool in the adaptor. How weird. I wonder if it's something Bambu are doing on their end to postprocess uploaded 3mfs? Great, now I need to go make sure that the one model I've uploaded so far doesn't suffer from the same thing... In the meantime, plate 2 printed just fine with the standard settings for PLA on my X1C gooping onto a textured PEI plate. I've had this just over a week now and I'm just astounded how well this all works - I'm coming from years with a Monoprice Mini, and this still feels like alien technology. One other thing I noticed - the GUI suggests that after slicing plate 1, the spool overlaps the area where the initial wipe of material is done on the top-right of the bed. I'm not sure if this is actually the case, but I'm printing this plate with the pair of parts rotated 180 degrees, shuffled forward a little in y and then the screw-on part pushed over a little so it doesn't intrude. I'm not sure whether this is for real or not. Like I said, I'm still fairly new to Bambu's printers and slicer, and I know that it definitely warns if you place a part that oversteps certain boundaries. Perhaps the slicer is smart enough to know not to do the wipe if a part is to be laid down in that area, but I'm planning on kicking this off and then walking away for a bit, so I didn't want to burn through 100g of filament just to find that it went exactly as shown and the wipe was now a piece of the part. :)
Replying to @Smeg.Head :
This is a very strange problem. If im using my generated .3mf file from my Desktop, no problem but if i try to open the exact same file from Makerworld, i get the same error like u. I'll reupload the File to Makerworld, maybe that helps... Happy to hear that your Prints getting done without issues. The Overlap might happen due to the fact that you're using a X1C while im using a P1S. My P1S doesn't do the Flow Calibration scan and because of that, i have more printing space.
I printed this for a brand new set of 4 filaments from Amolen. I didn't adjust anything, I just opened in Bambu Studio and printed. The center hub of the adapter is too large and the pins don't line up in any of the holes. Any ideas?
The designer has replied
I measured the outside diameter of the upper part that fits into the center of the spool and it came out to 79.5mm, but the inside of the spool is closer to 76mm. Maybe they changed the spools.
Replying to @taven1 :
Hey Taven, Amolen seem to switch the spools quiet often...We now can count 3 different Amolen Spools but the other two designs still fit the Adapter by removing one pin on each side. Looks like we have to Adjust the Adapter a bit for your Spools. Tell me what Measurements you need for the Pins, then i can make you a fitting design. I already change the outer Diameter of the Top Part. If you tell me the needed changes for the Pins, i'll send you the adjusted Design :)
Replying to @Ziqpel :
Kind sir...exact same problem here. I bought my rolls from Amazon. Can I please get the updated files? Thanks.
Thank you! It printed great. Used Sunlu PLA high speed filament. The adapter fits both Ameolen and my other 200g rolls that have the same design. My wish for the design is a couple of filament locking holes on the reel so the filament doesn’t unwind. I would do a remix but I honestly stink at working with CAD programs.
The designer has replied
Thanks for your feedback. The print looks fantastic! I'm happy it worked well for you, and it's good to know that other manufacturers also use this spool design. Honestly, during the design process, I thought about placing holes... but since I NEVER use them myself as I don't want to bend my filament too much, I left them out and designed the spool to fit the clips I use for all my filament rolls (like i said in the description) :) If it's important to you, I'd be happy to provide a design with holes again ;)
Replying to @Ziqpel :
Clips did come to mind this morning when I finished the print. It must have been too late last night or early this morning and missed your comment about the clips🤦‍♀️. I just need to print some. I have at least 15 rolls of Amolen that are starting to age so I plan on printing a few more of your adapters so I can have those little rolls ready to rock n roll at a moment's notice. Again, nice work and appreciate the thought put into your design.
Worked perfectly and just in time to print some shiny gift boxes. Printed with Bambu Basic PLA White.
The designer has replied
Thank you so much for the 5-star rating! I'm genuinely pleased that the model was helpful, and the print went smoothly :)
First off, I love the print! Thanks for saving me a few headaches trying to figure out what I was going to do to get these spools to work in the AMS. The only comment I have is that I ran into an issue where the spools have 2 different hole patterns. All I did was shave one pin on opposite sides and they now work for both hole patterns. Both are AMOLEN spools, so I'm not sure what the difference is, but it was an easy fix. Maybe it'll help someone else.
The designer has replied
Happy to hear that you like it. It's good to know that Amolen uses different designs for their 200g spools. Fortunately, I haven't encountered that issue, but you've found a very pragmatic solution. I hope it can help other users as well :) Thanks for your feedback!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
Thank You A+ worked great for my 200g rolls of filament.
The designer has replied
I'm very happy that you're satisfied and thank you for the 5-Star rating! :) Print looks very nice!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
Works perfectly!
The designer has replied
Looks great! Happy that you’re satisfied with the model and thank you so much for your rating :)
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
Works great
The designer has replied
Thanks for your 5-Star rating! Your print look good and I’m happy that you are satisfied :)
Thank you for the great design! Printed well and works great. I did add a 1/4" spacer between the ring and retainer to make it easier to loosen and tighten.
The designer has replied
Thanks for your feedback! In the design process I thought it is better to be completely flush but you’re totally right, that makes it a bit harder to wind the screw. This spacer is a great Idea! If u need a screw with a build in spacer, let me know and I‘ll do my best to provide you one :)
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
Printed great! Have yet to test it but when I do I'll come back and edit this.
The designer has replied
Happy to hear that you print went great! I'm curious if you're happy with the end result :)
Replying to @Ziqpel :
Yeah, I’m happy with it. It fits the spools well. It took a little pressure to get the tabs to snap into the holes on the roll at first but you want it to be snug. I wonder if it would be ok at 10% infill, just to save a little time and filament. I’ll be making more since I have several of these rolls. it printed pretty cleanly. There were a few stray runs of filament inside the cylinder for some reason. Not sure if it’s something with the file or if it’s something I didn’t do right in the slicer. I’m still getting acquainted with bambu studio after only using cura and prusa slicers.
Replying to @cchief144 :
Everything fits very well for me, but scrolling through the comments here quickly reveals that this type of spool seems to vary significantly. Stringing as well as shrinking of the holes can, of course, also be influenced by the filament used—I used Bambulab filament and the settings saved in the .3mf file. No stringing, no shrinking. 10% should be sufficient since there are no lateral forces, but how well it prints with 10% also depends on your infill pattern.