Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, CR-10, Ender 5 Upgrade: MBOT3D Extruder V2

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Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, CR-10, Ender 5 Upgrade: MBOT3D Extruder V2

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What is the MBOT3D extruder?

This extruder shroud is a super compact, sweet looking upgrade for your printer, featuring dual 4010 blower fans for maximum part cooling.

This remix makes the MBOT3D extruder shroud compatible with all the standard extruder model Creality printers: Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, CR-10 V1, and the Ender 5. I also designed a mount to attach a CR or BL touch.

Huge thanks to Ahmad Sunardi for his original design. I wanted to spread his work to Printables, and share a neat remix with everyone! Check out his upload here: https://grabcad.com/library/mbot3d-mk2_v2-1


Why switch from a stock setup?

The standard Creality extruder is a workhorse, but not a well designed one. The single part cooling fan only blows on one side of your print, leading to poor cooling at times. This extruder upgrade solves that problem while remaining compact and adding a next-level look to your printer. Print speeds can be increased, bridging will be cleaner, and fine details will stand out with this upgrade. This improvement does require some tinkering, so make sure you're up for that before you start.

What parts do I need?

You'll need:

-an extra 4010 blower fan

-M3 brass threaded heat inserts

-Various M3 and M2 screw hardware

The stock heat break fan is reused as well as the original part cooling fan.


These parts should be printed in a high temp filament: ABS, PETG, or PLA+. I've had great results with Inland PLA+ from Micro Center.

All the parts print in the provided orientation, and only the “Hotend Mount” file requires support.

Print in .12mm resolution with 30% infill.



Unfortunately, the original upload does not include assembly instructions, so It's a bit of a learning process. I used the Fusion 360 assembly to see how parts fit together.

Please let me know if this design is of interest to you, and I'll put together a comprehensive bill of materials and assembly instructions. For now, I'll wait to see if anyone is interested.



This is definitely one of the best low budget upgrades you can make to your printer IMO. I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and concerns. If you are a designer, I've included the Fusion 360 and STEP assembly files for you to work with if you've got changes of your own to make. Again, let me know if you're interested and I'll work on assembly instructions.

I hope a lot of Creality users find this upgrade useful! Enjoy!



I have a direct drive upgrade on my printer, but the MBOT3D extruder is compatible with either DD or stock printers. The mount I used for my upgrade can be downloaded here if you want to make the improvement: https://www.printables.com/model/252321-direct-drive-dual-gear-for-ender3cr-10-no-supports




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