Keyless Treasure - Unlocks magically

Keyless Treasure - Unlocks magically


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

All parts 0.16-0.2mm layer height. Prints in under 3h
All parts 0.16-0.2mm layer height. Prints in under 3h
2.8 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


With the Keyless Treasure magic itself finds the way into your home!


The Keyless Treasure can not be unlocked with simple keys, but need more (magical) power! Hold your wand on the right spot and say the correct magic spell. It will instantly unlock and reveal what is hidden inside. A big treasure, another forbidden spell or even memories from the past? Find it out!



The box is designed to be as seemless as possible so the user can immerse into a magical world. For the outside, several designs can be created or painted. I used Acrylic paint to create the effect seen in the images, although there are other modeled versions like the Eye of Providence. The exact location for the opening spell is hidden behind the eye (in my case). Also the hinge in the back is modeled in the way that it should be even with the model so no bumps etc are visible.


Later on, I will add new designs to try and make it even more “magical” and the correct spot hidden.



The treasure is designed to be only unlockable with a magnet. It has a very simple mechanic and will need some non printable but easy to get parts. Its easy to assembly with a few drops of super glue.

The main idea is to use repelling magnets to push away the lock and release the box.


Additional parts needed:

  • A small rubber band
  • 2x Magnets 10x4mm, suqare (for the box)
  • 1x Magnet 10x8mm tube (or any other one powerful enough to move the magnets in the box)




The function in the V1 box is very simple. Put everything in place, glue the parts together and use the magnets to unlock the box. Therefore, the assembly is easy and works as following:

  1. Print every part 
  2. Put the magnets into the magnet holder
  3. User the slider and place it on the magnet holder. After making sure at step 5) everything works fine, glue it to fixate it.
  4. Place the magnet holder on the rail. Make sure it moves smoothyl, this is very important! I have used 320 Sandpaper to carefully sand the contact surface and washed it afterwards with water so no dust remains there.
  5. Use a rubber band to hold the Magnet holder in place. It will move backward due to the force of the opener magnet, therefore it should return in the correct place without any other force. Although make sure the rubber is not too strong, otherwise it wont move fast enough to unlock the box.
    At this point, you should test the construction with your magnets and rubber band. As every magnet and rubber band is individually strong, it may take a little tweaking (although I was able to perfectly reproduce the box without issues with this settings). If your rubber band is not strong enough, you can use the rubber extender file which is provided under downloads to make the MH longer.
    Everything should be work correctly and move smoothly as after this step, you wont be able to adjust things anymore without using force to remove parts!
  6. Glue the assembled part on the bottom part of the box as seen in the image. There should be minimal to no space between both parts.
  7. Last step is to glue the hinge to the box. The gap should face inside. It is modeled so bending it will be easy. It is not designed for heavy use and dont overbend it otherwise the material become weak and can break.
  8. If you want to cover the mechanic, you can also print the lock cover model and glue it over the mechanism.
  9. For a smoother closing experience, I also recommend to sand the “closer” part of the model. It still has layer lines and will close smoother when you carefully sand it and the correspoding part of the top box.




This mechanics is based on the repelling nature of magnets and is my V1. I am still thinking about a V2 which works on pulling magnets together which should be more reliable, although I like the idea of the lock “not wanting to be unlocked”.

If you need any help or adjust parts for your own box, please let me know, I will be happy to provide assistance.


Please feel free to create your own design for the outer part of the box and showcase it in the comments!

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