Ultimate Fishing Gear Bundle

Ultimate Fishing Gear Bundle


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

PLA Infinite Fishing Rod
PLA Infinite Fishing Rod
7.1 h
5 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


From tackle boxes to fishing rods, this Ultimate Fishing Gear Bundle is the perfect set for anglers looking for something special! Here are some of the amazing products:


Fishing Rod


Do you enjoy fishing? If you are a fishing enthusiast, you will venerate the craftsmanship and functionality of this well-designed fishing rod. Here are the main reasons why:





  • This rod is intended for small fish due to its low flexibility.
  • The rod is made from Basic PLA, although if I win this contest I will 100% add a ASA Aero print profile.
  • I have also tested Generic PETG and PLA Metal, but Basic PLA proved to be the least sloppy and highest strength.
  • I haven't tested saltwater yet, so I think the ocean may stress the rod's limits. Also the fish are simply massive.


  • The rod is multifunctional and includes many key features, making it perfect for easy fishing.
  • The rod uses only 90-100 grams of filament! That's pretty good for a monochromic, multifunctional, 3d printed fishing rod.
  • I generally wanted it to be able to be affordable, accessible, and useful for the entire community, and I believe I have done just that.
  • I do recommend attempting to catch rainbow trout, bluegill, and maybe even perch.


The biggest part of this rod's innovation is that you get to customize the length of it. Here is how:

  1. Print: Print the print profile named The PLA Piece to Extend the Rod, which can extend the rod while only using 8 grams of filament, if you follow the next steps.
  2. Attach: Note that the rod must be assembled from this point on. You can find the assembly at the bottom.You will notice that the extension is identical with the second segment of the rod.                                                                       Detach the second segment from the top segment and insert the extension. Your rod should look like this:                                                                   Now all you have to do is reattach the top segment and voila, the rod is longer.
  3. Repeat: If you link the extensions and the top piece together over and over again, the fishing rod will eventually reach your desired length, unless it already has.

The rest of the innovation is the small puzzle piece connecting the reel to the base. It is not big, it is not detailed and it looks boring. Yet that small piece is partially the reason the rod is held together. I also have never seen a rod with it.



Okay, I know that the rod isn't that eye catching, like at all. It may appear as just a white rod made of plastic. But it really is more than just that. To start off, the base is designed with many key, intricate features: The holes on its tube is used to slide in pin that locks part of the rod together. The prominent cylinder protruding from it is the rotating point for the reel, which is held in by that small puzzle piece. Next, the bottom segment is a connector for many things: The handle is tightly fit into the bottom of it. The pin locks it to the base so it won't jiggle. Along the bottom segment are two eyelets used to keep the line straight. Finally, the top segment. It has one main feature: The larger eyelet, which is used so casting promotes zero difficulties. In conclusion, this rod has a lot more than what meets the eye.



The assembly truly isn't difficult, but there are some parts you must super glue. You can find more info about the super glue in the notes.

  1. Lay out all of the parts on your workspace. You are going to need to see each and every one of them.
  2. Pick up the base. It looks like this:                                                                                                     
  3. Pick up the bottom segment. It looks like this:                                                                                                                                                 
  4. Now connect them so they look like this:                                                                                                    
  5. This next bit requires super glue, so make sure you have that with you. Super glue the handle into the bottom hole of the bottom segment. It should look like this:                                      
  6. Now slide in the small pin through the holes on the base's tube and the hole found at the bottom of the bottom segment. It may take some strength. If you can't get it, try lightly tapping it in with a hammer. Your rod should look similar to this:
  7. If needed, push the two, small, circular end pieces onto the ends of the pin.
  8. Slide the reel onto the weird looking cylinder on the base. At this point the rod may be staring to piece together in your mind:
  9. This next bit requires super glue, so make sure you have that with you. Place the puzzle piece on the weird cylinder. Warning: When you put the super glue on the puzzle piece, make sure to not let the adhesive touch the reel. The glue should be lightly painted on the top of the puzzle piece and the ends of the cylinder after the puzzle piece is pushed in. The rod should look like this:
  10. Now attach the second segment to the tip of the bottom segment. If you feel the need to super glue them together, go on and do so. The rod is almost complete and looks like this:
  11. Finally, insert the the top segment. If you think the rod is already long enough, then you are good to go. But, if you think it should be longer, scroll up to the innovation section. Here is the last picture:

Hooray, you did it! But there is more… The use of the rod is equally as important. Check it out!



Here is how you should set up and use the rod:

  1. Thread the fishing line first through the largest eyelet, and then through the rest. Once you reach the reel, look for this small hole:
  2. Tie the line around it so the line doesn't come off when casting.
  3. Attach a small hook to the end of the line and maybe a weight.
  4. The last thing you need to know is how to cast. Casting requires you to hold a finger on the line between the to eyelets closest to the reel. After setting up that stance, fling the rod behind you while still pinning the line down. Then fling it in front of you. When it reaches peak speed, release your finger. If you had a weight on the fishing line, the cast should go far. If it goes a couple feet you may want to include a weight. Everything I just typed is all you need to know about this amazing rod.

Tackle Box


Do you have an assortment of fishing weights, bobbers, hooks, and lures? If you do, you will 100% want to print this simple mini tackle box! Here are some reasons why:





  • The box is small and cannot fit many items.
  • The tackle box hasn't been tested for water extremely above room temperature (122 degrees Fahrenheit - 50 degrees Celsius) or extremely below room temperature (32 degrees Fahrenheit - 0 degrees Celsius), so I recommend using it in warmish water.



  • The tackle box is nearing being completely water tight! I personally tested it by holding the box under water for an entire minute and only 1 milliliter of water enter it.
  • It is pocket sized, but if you have extra large pockets you can fit two! That means you can carry a maximum of four mini tackle boxes!
  • The box is perfect for many lures, weights, hooks, and even small spools of fishing line.
  • It only uses 70 grams of filament, so almost everyone can afford it.


  1. The tackle box is practically water tight! Using interlocking mechanisms I designed a water tight inside.
  2. The tackle box has many locks in place, so your fishing items stay secure.
  3. The box has a divider so certain things are kept on certain sides.
  4. The spool holder is designed to fit right into the top of the cover. I did this because most spools couldn't fit in the box, so I had to think outside the box.


Like the fishing rod, the tackle box seems plainly boring because of its bland white body. Trust me, it is amazing. First, there is a sliding cover that locks in a certain way to improve the level of water tightness. Then there is a small piece that you slide in through a hole so the entire box stays locked and secure. Finally, you may not know, but the cylinder and sliding lock mechanism hold spools of fishing line. Kind of like how the AMS holds 3D printing filament. Now you may see how the overlooked key details of this box contribute to its elaborate design.



  1. Slide the cover onto the box.
  2. Lock the cover with the small sliding piece lock.
  3. Insert a spool of fishing line (if you have any) into the cylinder.
  4. Attach the cylinder

Ta da! You now have your very own multifunctional mini tackle box!


Fishing Rod Holder


Have you ever had a loooong fishing trip where it usually takes hours to catch something? Well, you would be in desperate need of the Fishing Rod Holder. Here is why:





  • The stakes can be easily breakable in hard soil.
  • It may not hold all fishing rod sizes.


  • It doesn't let rod be ripped away.
  • Can be used in sand, soft soil, or even loose pebbles.
  • The holder only takes 23 grams of PLA, making it accessible to almost everyone!



There isn't much to the rod holder, although there are certain things you can do to it:

  1. Since there are 4 prongs, you can tilt it so it meets you requirements. Just make it so some of the prongs are deeper in the ground than others.
  2. It is collapsible! Remove the circular sliding locks, take the prongs out, and put all of the pieces in the holder. Now you might not walk around accidentally stabbing people.
  3. The small hole in the bottom of the base is so the holder doesn't become water logged.
  4. The tips of the prongs are designed to break off, so everything stays level and stronger.



Compared to the other models this one actually has more of a sleek and elegant design. But then again this model is probably the least durable out of all of them. Just put the fishing rod in it and have a good time.



  1. Push the prongs through the four holes branching away from the base.
  2. Push the circular sliding locks from the tip to the base.

I hope you enjoy it!😊



  • I used simple words because I wanted everyone to be able to understand me.
  • I didn't use AI of any type.
  • I created the design, and didn't remix it from a 3rd party website.
  • Please excuse my grammar, for I haven't graduated Middle School yet.
  • I am working on a low budget so I don't have any weatherproof, extra, extra strong filaments.
  • If you enjoyed these models please Boost me or hit the Like button.
  • Here is the super glue that I used: Amazon.com
  • If there are any dysfunctional parts or plates that don't work, please inform me in the comments.

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