Deathstar Night light

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Deathstar Night light


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
84.4 h
5 plates

SINGLE COLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
SINGLE COLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
21.7 h
5 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


This is my new addition to the Star Wars desk lamp collection.. and this time its the deathstar night lamp..

As per usual.. i modelled everything using tinkercad and 3d printed it with my A1 combo..


I hand painted the deathstar itself using shiny silver markers.. cause i wanted the brushed and uneven silver look.. I also had some leftover dual color filament.. so i thought i should finished using it on the base of the lamp..


unfortunately i dont have links for the dual color filament as i brought them from my local store.. but it is a dual color green blue filament.. you might want to search you favorite 3d printing shop for them..

i also used the fluorescent transparent green for the lasers.. to have that glow effects for the lights..


For the lighting.. i used 2 of the bambulab LED kit 001.. you can get them here on my affiliate links

Assembly is fairly easy and self explanatory ..

The base has a holder for the bambu LED 001 puck.. insert at and wire should go out the back

you should first glue the planet base.. explosion.. and the laser first.. they should have a specific shape to merge together..



then run the USB wire from the top of the laser to the bottom of the planet base..

make sure to merge the 2 deathstar parts together first and glue them together.. you should insert the peg inside the deathstar to align both parts..



insert the LED puck into the hole on the deathstar.. there should be a small notch on the side of the hole for the puck wire.. and there should also be a notch on the laser side to align both.. glue them together

Since the lamp is tilted you might want to add weights inside the base to give it more stability.. i just added a few large screws and bolts and glue them onto the base..



now you are ready to merge the whole night lamp together.. the planet base and the base should have pegs to align.. you should align so that the LED on the base is shining towards the laser to get maximum lighting effect on the laser..

finally you can glue the 2 base together and you are done.. if you'd like.. you can cut the 2 LED pucks wire and combine them serial together.. so you only have one USB to power both pucks..

you can use a single puck LED light but it will not be as bright as using 2 pucks.. and the planet base cracks also glows when you use 2 pucks..

TIPS: if you're thinking of using dual color filament like i did.. what you can do is first print the planet base as usual.. and see the direction of which color is facing.. since i wanted the green color to be on the explosion side and blue on the other side.. 
now look at the print before getting it off the bedplate..see if the direction of the 2 colors is correct or not.. now all you have to do is turn the model on the bambu studio to align with the color that you wanted..


I hope you'll have fun 3d printing the deathstar night lamp


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Comment & Rating (4)

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dang this is incredible nice job
I think your design is absolutely awesome and is is just very cool.
One day when I am rich, I will print one.😝
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
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