Zona: Secrets of Chernobyl insert/organizer

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Zona: Secrets of Chernobyl insert/organizer


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Base organizer can't accommodate sleeved cards well, this is my version to store everything nice and tidy using 110 micron sleeves. Also includes two trays for money/wound tokens to throw them into play immediately.

All models where made inside PrusaSlicer using only simple shapes in positive and negative volumes. No CAD or any other software, only slicer and caliper. Logos for monster tray where extracted from pdf game manual. Logos for big cards trays I just draw myself in paint. Only original tray I'm using is minis tray to store figures and dices.

There is one issue with my version - fatigue dials are not fits in their place well, and I wasn't able to make player boards tray taller. So, you have two options to solve the issue:

  1. Just print everything without word “Optional”. In such case you'll have some extra space on top of the small cards tray which will be more than enough to store one fatigue dial, which are not fitting characters tray.
  2. Don't print standard small cards tray, instead print "Optional" one and print 4 of each clip from "Optional_Clips.3mf" file (PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 needed to open it). Those clips are nice and tight and fits fatigue dials well. They are 0.8mm height from surface after snapping, when original ones are 1mm. This is enough to fit all fatigue dials in their place. To snap those you'll need to use force and something flat to push it in place, which is intended.

I personally choose to go with option 2.

Regarding logos: there is With_Logos.3mf PrusaSlicer 2.7.1 project with logos baked in models as negative volumes. Its just adds a bit of flavor and totally optional. Because of those print time slightly increased, so its up to you to use it with or without logos. 

Every file needs to be printed once, except money/wounds tray - you need two of those.

If you want to say “Thank you” you can donate to any trusted fund to help Ukraine, like "Come Back Alive Fund". This way you'll help to protect real Chornobyl from real invasion.

P.S. On the photo there is no cutout on big cards trays for market board. But after printing all pieces I realized that it can easily fit there, so I added it, thought not sure if I gonna reprint those 2 files, for me its fine without it.

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