BOSCH battery Pinecil Pine64 holder with tip wiper

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BOSCH battery Pinecil Pine64 holder with tip wiper

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Wanted to have a pine64 soldering iron holder for BOSCH battery with proper tip wiping that would protect the 3D printed plastic against melting around the wiping area.  My solution uses JBC tip wiping tray with sponge insert, so the exes solder can be wiped on the tray edge and then the tip gently claned on the sponge like with the professional iron stands. The soldering iron is secured with an additional magnet so the pinecil is secured in the bed. The magnet also actuates the pinecil internal “holder presence” sensor if your pinecil has this upgrade and puts the soldering iron to sleep when inserted into the holder. Tested on pinecil V1 but should also work with V2 and possibly TS101…


3D print notes:

  • Any material can be used as the wiping area is protected, but higher melting materials should work best like ABS, ASA…
  • 0.4mm nozzle was used for the print with 0.2mm layer height and 3 wall loops.



  • Press in the four M3 nuts into the BOSCH battery adaptor base
  • Cut a solderable sheet metal from 0.5 to 1mm thickness and bend it to fit the bottom BOSCH battery adopter base. If your cutting was not perfect you can just heat the sheet meal a bit to to make it fit into the print
  • Insert a 6x6mm round magnet into the Pinecil bed and screw it down to the Cover with 2.5x8mm self tapping screws. The magnet position is such that it catches the bottom tip secure screw of the soldering iron.
  • Insert the JBC CL7984 wiper tray
  • Solder a two core silicone wire to the terminals
  • Screw the whole holder together with 4x M3x25 hex socket screws
  • Attach a DC power jack 5.5mm x 2.5mm 14mm in length to the other end of the cable
  • Insert a tip Wiping sponge. Can be original JBC S0354 or cut from another sponge…


Remix notes: The BOSCH battery adaptor was reused 1:1 from the original author "Simhopp" and “Joshua Bardwell” remix. Other aspects of the holder ware completely redrawn from scratch to incorporate the wanted new features. The idea to have the stand fully integrated with the battery was inspired from "Simhopp" design.

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