Modular Hex Storage

Modular Hex Storage


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
27.4 h
6 plates

AMS Hex Storage (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
AMS Hex Storage (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
30.3 h
6 plates

Filament Change Storage (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
Filament Change Storage (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
28.4 h
7 plates

A1 Mini - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
A1 Mini - 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
37 h
6 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


A modular storage system that allows you to build custom shelves and drawers however you want them.


The Hex Storage uses hexagonal storage tubes/shelves that can be slotted together using a peg insert.

Please Note: These do not take 26 hours to print a single item. The profiles contain 6-7 plates with one variation on each plate. Pick and choose the parts you want from the profiles.

The Hexs are available in 3 styles

  • Standard (85mm high internal, see measurement image for other dimensions)
  • Med Hex (3x 41.5mm internal hexes, plus 3 smaller diamonds)
  • Mini Hex (15x 19.25mm internal hexes, plus 6x smaller half hexes)

There are also 3 different designs of drawers (which can fit into the standard Hex tubes):

  • Standard Drawer (Single drawer uses the full length of the Hex space)
  • Divided Drawer (Features a dividing wall half way along to separate storage)
  • Labelled Drawer (Functionaly the same as the standard drawer, but features an area for adding a text label)


I have included three profiles which have been set up and tested thoroughly.

Each profile features all variations of the items, but each on a separate plate. So you can just select the item you want, choose the amount (you can position up to 4 hexes and 6 pegs on a single X1/P1 plate) and print from there.

  • AMS Hex Storage (As described above, and is pre-painted for printing in two colours with an AMS)
  • One Colour Hex Storage (As described above, but intended for printing with a single colour)
  • Filament Change Hex Storage (As described above, but with pre-applied manual filament changes for multi-colour printing without an AMS)


Customise Text

One of the drawers features a text panel so you can label it. If you just use the STL, this is blank so you can either add text digitally yourself, or use it for a paper label.
My profile includes text pre-applied to this area which you can customize in Bambu Studio to whatever you like. Please see the instructional picture above for how to do this

In the profile, the settings are already applied, but if you're applying it yourself, I'd suggest making the text depth 0.6mm.


Print Settings:

  • Orientation:
    • Hex's (For all Hexes, print them standing upright, with the hole at the top)
    • Drawers
      • Multi-colour (AMS or Filament Change):
        For all drawers, print them with the honecomb affect on the print bed, and use tree support (build plate only), to support printing of the back
      • Single Colour
        These can be oriented same as above, or you can avoid support material when printing single colour by lying it either flat along it's base, or along one of the side walls (though doing so will mean you'll see layer lines across the front of the drawer)
    • Pegs Pegs should be printed standing upright. This will take a bit longer, but any other orientation will result in a lot of overhang and any deformation could affect the peg's ability to fit into the hex slots. 
  • Material: PLA
  • Layer Height: 0.2mm
  • Walls: 
    • Hex's & Drawers: 3
    • Pegs: 3-4 (3 will be fine unless you're putting significant weight on these shelves, but 4 walls will result in pretty much solid print which can make the pegs slightly stiff to fit, thought they still work fine).
  • Infill: 15% Gyroid
  • Support:
    • Hexs: None
    • Drawers: Tree support, build plate only, for the inside of the drawers.
    • Pegs: A brin is recommended on these due to their thin and tall design

Comment & Rating (27)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
Fits perfect, used recommend settings. The drower goes in with scratch sound caused by the layers. Not a big deal.
The designer has replied
Great solid looking print, thanks very much for the rating and pics. The noise should reduce over time with use as it'll wear the layer lines down a bit and smooth out.
Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
beautiful. I used a ring size diagram and still had to do it a couple times to get it right, but as long as you change the layer hight to the smallest your printer can handle (I chose 0.08 HighQuality @BBL on my P1S) it comes out extremely good looking. Takes 40-60 minutes, but at 100% infill, standard pla looks great
The designer has replied
Whilst I appreciate the postive rating, (and your print looks great), I feel I should let you know you've posted this rating on the wrong item, so the designer of that ring won't get to know how awesome your print came out. If you're able to remove this rating and put it on theirs (or update this rating to reflect your printing of the hex storage), ideally without changing this to a negative rating haha, that would be greatly appreciated. Either way, brilliant print, looks great!
Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
Print quality was great and they seem very durable. A little smaller than I expected but I can certainly find a good use for them.
The designer has replied
Really glad you like them, thanks so much for rating. When you say they are smaller than you expected, do you mean they have come out smaller than the measurements shown on the measurements image here, or do you just mean you thought they'd look/feel larger?
Replying to @ByteSlinger :
They came out in spec with the measurements. I expected them to be bigger from the picture. Probably some scaled up versions would be nice.
Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
having some issues with the connecter piece and connecting the hexes, I will continue to sand down the connector until it fits correctly but it was impossible to get it to fit straight off the printer
The designer has replied
Hmm that's interesting. I did note when printing all of mine that the tolerance varied slightly between different filaments and it could be slightly tighter on some of them, but I scaled the tolerance so that it would fit manually regardless of which filament I used but also wasn't too loose that it'd just fall apart. I never needed to do any sanding with the 14 pins I printed with two different brands of filament (and variations of spool within those brands). One thing I would say is, the end that prints against the bed and has the brim fitted, it's best for that not to be the end you slot into the hexes as the brim can leave a slight lip so it's much easier to insert the other end.
Replying to @ByteSlinger :
ok thank you! I tried both sides but was unable to get either in without the sanding, let me try a different filament later today once the print i have on is done and I will keep you posted! Thank you so much for your speedy reply and advice :)
Replying to @CrackersBloom :
No worries at all, I'm happy to help to make sure this works for you. Let me know.
This is a great print, with a sleek look. I like it! Cannot wait to start printing this out!
super cool
Sieht sehr gut aus, ich bin am testen. Aber lange Druckzeit, Ich weiss noch nicht warum. Wenn es passt mache ich einen Raumteiler,
it looks very good, imagine if it was compatible with hex wall accesories.
Print Profile
One Colour (0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill)
The designer has replied
Glad the print went well. Which ones did you print and in what colours? Would love to see how it came out!


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.