Customizable Coaster (OpenSCAD)

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Customizable Coaster (OpenSCAD)


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X1 Carbon

No AMS needed - Infill shows through - Welcome Text
No AMS needed - Infill shows through - Welcome Text
1.4 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


This model is a very simple customizable coaster.


I would like to preface this before continuing:

I am very new to OpenSCAD, so some things could be further optimized and expanded on.


Advantages of this Coaster - Maker:

Provides a small ring around your coaster, helping to ensure any condensation does not run off the coaster.

Customizable text and font.

Customizable size.

Documented fairly nicely.

Easily changeable infill pattern / can customize coaster in a unique way.

To customize any part:

The text1 variable is where you input your text. If you dont want text, leave it blank. The TextSize variable is pretty self explanatory, the size of the text. Font is described below (only used if you have text). Finally, coasterRadius is the radius of your coaster in mm. It defaults to 47.5, the average radius of coasters around my house. Change any of these, it is your coaster!



So you want to customize the font? Easy to do! First, in the Makerworld SCAD customizer, hit the little book icon in the lower left hand corner next to the save icon (fig. 1). Next, go to the second tab in the top of that pop up browser. The second tab should say, “Fonts.” Then, find any font you would like to use. Finally, click / tap on the font you would like to use, and paste it into the font category under the “Parameters” tab next to the code.


Custom Infill:

Any other models with cool infill showing outside the model catch your eye? Well, they can apply to this model. In Bambu Slicer, change your top shell layers to 0, shown in figure 2. Now, change the infill to any cool infill you might want! Please Note: I recommend your text color is a different color than your rim and your base color. This will enhance readability. Also: If your text does not come out well, try changing your bridge settings before downloading the second OpenSCAD download. The second download changes a value that slightly raises the text, increasing readability, but decreasing drink - stabilization. This does not need to be changed for the solid coasters.


Coloring your Coaster:

Before coloring anything, set the base color of your coaster in the object selection menu on the left side of your screen (next to Process). To color your coaster, use the “Paint Fill” feature from the Bambu Slicer paint tool to color your text. Simply click on your text with the color you have loaded into your AMS. You will have to go letter by letter. To paint the rim, I suggest painting the top of the rim as well as both of the sides (inside and outside). That's it!


Using a Container to Gift:
Thinking of giving these coasters as a gift? Well, you are able to in an easy manner! I have programmed another customizable model, available on my latest upload, comboed with stackable coasters. I highly recommend printing the container if you don't like a ton of coasters scattered around everywhere, or if you would like to give several as a gift. Customizing is very simple, and is explained on the other model page.


Closing Thoughts:

When using the cool infill patterns showing through the coaster, make sure your base is a contrasting color from the text, as well as the infill is also contrasting from the text. If you are better at OpenSCAD than me (anyone), then please feel free to remix this model and customize it however might beneficial! Also, if you enjoyed this model, then I recommend looking at my stackable coaster model. Same coasters, but they are stackable and stay together!

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

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