Universal and Customizable SCAD Cardboard AMS Spool Adapter.
You enter the Messurements (Cardboard Diameter and Thickness) and get the right model for your Spool.
With this customizable SCAD version of a spool adapter there is no need to find a fitting one.
Always find the right size, no matter if the supplier changed the size. Just take a quick messurement and print the right size.
Caution: If you use the optional Filament Clip inclusion make sure to print it only once and have it on the right side of the spool inside the AMS to prevent interference!
How to Print:
Only the following Parameters need to be changed:
leave “clip_count” at 0 to print without clip. Set it to 1 to add a Filament clip. Set it to 2 to add two Filament clips. Remember to only print clips on one side (must be on right side!).
Aditional Parameters are Optional!
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