AMS Lite wall support - NO MODIFICATION to the AMS

AMS Lite wall support - NO MODIFICATION to the AMS


Print Profile(1)


0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 15% infill
0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 15% infill
11.7 h
4 plates



Wall support with no modification to the AMS

My brief for this wall support was simple but not easy:

  1. Allows mounting and dismounting the AMS Lite with no modification or tools
  2. Solid enough to hold well four 1kg spools

This support is intended to be super easy to use with the trade off that is not as easy to install on the wall the first time. This means that it requires 6 wood screws to assemble and 4 screws in the wall to mount it.


The design

It took a long time and tests but I hope it will be appreciated. The process looked like this:

  • 3D scan of the AMS “foot”
  • labor intensive reverse engineering to transform the mesh into workable surfaces
  • tests to verify the accuracy of the surfaces by comparing small sample prints to the real model
  • sketching and 3D modeling of the design
  • 3D printing of key components to verify fit and working principles → modifications to the models
  • 3D printing of sample areas to verify tolerances → modifications to the models
  • 3D printing the prototype → final adjustments

Some of the steps below

The instructions

There are 4 pieces to print: base, sliding rail, locking spring , closing cover. They should be printed in PETG with the exception of the sliding rail that should be made of PLA . If you make it from PETG too it will stick to the closing cover.

Of course, they might work well if made from other materials but this is what I have designed them for and tested.


The assembly should be pretty straight forward with one less than obvious but important thing: the 4 wood screws(gold in the picture) should be 3 x 16mm(not longer) and the 2 wood screws from the back(silver in the picture) should be 3.5 x 15mm(not longer). If the screws are slightly longer the could stop the sliding action or limit the spring.

So , this out of the way, the assembly goes like this:

  • screw the sliding rail(white in the picture) from the back
  • measure the distance to be mounted (be extremely careful to the lenght of the AMS cable and PTFE tubes)
  • fix the base with the rail on the wall (the usual , level, mark, drill holes, insert dowels and screw everything)
  • insert the spring plate and push it until you hear a strong click
  • insert the AMS push slightly the spring and slide the cover over the rail



Enjoy and please let me know the good and the bad :)



Comment & Rating (9)

Please fill in your opinion

Plates 1 to 3 printed fine, but 4 (the cover) was causing a nightmare! Would just start lifting early on (luckily) in the print. I tried different temps, and reducing the speed by half. I even did another calibration, but same result every time! I then just did the 'Auto Orientate' in Bambo Studio and it's printed off successfully (well, there's a few little issues, which aren't gonna matter too much to me as I need it to be structural rather than cosmetic). I'll put it together later tonight and give it a whirl, but I do think Plate 4 and possibly the plate with the spring on, could be better orientated, for people who's printers are meticulously 'honed-in'. Great design though, in fairness
The designer has replied
Printed ok, then still had problems with everything lining up! Just had a nightmare with this, but I do like the design. Found another that is similar, yet not as 'over engineered' Gonna try this, but deserves 3 stars just on design alone!
Replying to @elviscrid :
I'm glad you appreciate the model and thank you for your input . I realized I might have made a slight mistake with the profile for that cover. I printed them one by one and when I compiled them in a single file with multiple plates I didn't find the actual file I printed the cover from and as it turned out ok from the first try I didn't think that slight variation in positioning will make such a big difference. I will edit the profile to a "safer" positioning with a bit more supports. I have a very busy period right now and I don't have the time to test this but it should be much safer to print like that . On the other hand, if auto positioning works fine maybe some should stick with that. The positioning is mostly for esthetic reasons and to keep deformation low on the thin areas. This piece is sturdier than really needed as most of the forces act on the large base.
Replying to @elviscrid :
Also, as @mauri_ricciardi had some problems I realized that I made a mistake in the description by recommending slightly longer screws (in my screw organizer they are next to each other). I edited the description now but If you used longer screws like I wrote the first time , they had a big impact on the fit. Once you use bigger screws the piece will be permanently deformed so you either have to carefully sand it or print it again.
Print Profile
0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 15% infill
tuve q lijar mucho tiempo para q encaje todo.
The designer has replied
I'm sorry the profile didn't work for you but I assure you I didn't sand anything(except for the little edge on top but that was cosmetic) so it must be something related to the materials. I printed the PETG parts with FormFutura EasyFil ePETG and the PLA part from some economic no name brand. Later edit: I think I figured out the problem, I sugested using 3.5x18mm screws but actually I used 3x16. Sorry for that, I will modify the instructions too.
I'm having a few issues printing the cover part in PETG. Tried reducing the speed to half and different temps, but the same corner keeps lifting from the supports. Strange? It's printed the other parts out fine. I'll try persevering (PETG may be damp, so I'll try chucking it in the oven for a bit, if I can put up with the smell!) Might just tey loading it up in another slicer and see how it fares! 🤷‍♂️ Love the idea though, and it already feels quite sturdy, even without the cover!
great design!
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