Triangle that's it.

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Triangle that's it.


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
17 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


Once upon a time, in the magical land of Geometrica, there lived a lonely blue triangle named Trixie. Geometrica was a vibrant world filled with shapes of all sizes and colors, each with its own unique personality and dreams. Despite the colorful and lively environment, Trixie often felt like an outsider.

Trixie was a small, sky-blue triangle with perfectly equal sides and sharp, precise angles. She lived in a quaint corner of Geometrica, surrounded by towering rectangles and elegant circles that always seemed to steal the spotlight. The rectangles were known for their strength and stability, while the circles were admired for their grace and perfection. Trixie, on the other hand, felt plain and unnoticed.

One evening, as Trixie gazed up at the sparkling stars from her cozy little nook, she made a wish. "I wish I could be famous," she whispered to the night sky. "I want to be known and loved by everyone in Geometrica."

The very next morning, Trixie woke up with a newfound determination. She decided to visit the Grand Shape Council, a wise assembly of shapes that guided the destiny of Geometrica. The council consisted of an ancient hexagon, a noble octagon, a wise pentagon, and a mystical star. Trixie approached them with a hopeful heart.

"Esteemed Council," Trixie began, her voice trembling slightly, "I wish to be famous. Please, guide me on how to achieve my dream."

The ancient hexagon, with eyes full of wisdom, spoke first. "Fame is not about being the most visible or the loudest. It is about making a meaningful impact on those around you."

The noble octagon added, "You must find your unique strength, Trixie. Every shape in Geometrica has a special gift. Discover yours."

The wise pentagon nodded in agreement. "Once you find your gift, use it to help others. Fame that comes from kindness and contribution lasts the longest."

The mystical star, glowing softly, concluded, "Believe in yourself, Trixie. You are capable of more than you know."

Encouraged by the council's words, Trixie set out on a journey of self-discovery. She tried many different activities—she helped build houses with the rectangles, danced gracefully with the circles, and even tried her hand at painting with the vibrant rhombuses. Each experience taught her something new, but none felt quite right.

One sunny afternoon, as Trixie rested by a sparkling stream, she noticed a group of younger shapes struggling to cross the water. The bridge was too far away, and the current was too strong. Without a second thought, Trixie stretched herself out, forming a perfect bridge across the stream. The young shapes cheered as they crossed safely, one by one.

In that moment, Trixie realized her unique gift—she could create connections. Whether it was bridging gaps, solving disputes, or bringing shapes together, Trixie had a natural talent for fostering unity. She began to use her gift to organize events, mediate conflicts, and build friendships throughout Geometrica.

Word of Trixie's remarkable abilities spread quickly. Shapes from all corners of Geometrica came to seek her help and guidance. Trixie became a beloved figure, not because she was the loudest or the most visible, but because she made a real difference in the lives of others. She connected shapes that never thought they could work together and brought harmony to the land.

As the years passed, Trixie’s fame grew, but it was not the fame she had once envisioned. It was a fame rooted in love, respect, and gratitude. She was no longer lonely; she was surrounded by friends and admirers who appreciated her for who she was.

Trixie, the once lonely blue triangle, had found her place in Geometrica. She had become famous not by seeking the spotlight, but by shining her own unique light on others. And in doing so, she discovered that the greatest fame of all comes from being true to oneself and making the world a better place.

And so, Trixie lived happily ever after, forever known as the shape who brought Geometrica together.

Comment & Rating (8)

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Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Simple triangle, nothing more to it
The designer has replied
did you expect a square?
Replying to @Monke23 :
can only assume English isn't your first language?
This model is amazing! Great work.
The designer has replied
thank you
Print Profile
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
trixie came out beautifully!
Trixie the triangle is great.
No more