CR10s PRO Hero Me ABL mount for M12 sensor (Gen4 Gen3)

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CR10s PRO Hero Me ABL mount for M12 sensor (Gen4 Gen3)

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Update 2020/05/05

There was a small bug on the original Gen4 ABL mount, that the gantry won't hit the X limits switch. A revised version is updated to fix this issue:

  • Gen4_Stock_ABL_mount_for_dual_5015_Duct_M12_fixed.STL

If you have already printed the first version and don't want to reprint, there is a 'patch' part, just glue it to the place, and it's all done:

  • Gen4_Stock_ABL_mount_for_dual_5015_Duct_M12_patch.STL

Update 2020/04/29

Updated for Hero Me Gen4, specifically made for dual 5015. For single fan, the previous version for single fan should still work.

The offset setting will be available once I have my Gen4 Hero Me updated. But basically, not much change, I assume

DISCLAIMER: I'll update to Gen4 at a later time so this version is not tested yet. Use with care and please feed back!

Link to Hero Me for CR-10S Pro by mediaman

For people who is using or consider to use M12 sensors, this is the mount for you.

**Marlin firmware offsets: (Hero Me original values)

for the Single fan duct is: -45 X and -9 Y

for the Dual 5015 fan duct is: -48 X and -9 Y

! single fan duct offset should be also work fine with dual fan duct


TM3D Marlin 2.0 firmware has updated auto leveling up to 5x5 points, this will cause some problem with the gantry movement while calibrating. So go this offset value:

-40 and -9Y

Category: 3D Printer Accessories

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