Bergen County Lev Echad Logo Statuette

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Bergen County Lev Echad Logo Statuette


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm, 2 Arachne walls, 15% Gyroid, Ironing Top Surfaces
0.2mm, 2 Arachne walls, 15% Gyroid, Ironing Top Surfaces
4 h
2 plates



Support Israel's fight against terrorism with this statuette created in honor of Bergen County Lev Echad.


Bergen County Lev Echad ( is a grass roots effort to get non-tactical supplies directly to the IDF soldiers who need them as well as much needed basic neccessities to the families who have been internally displaced since Hamas's barbaric attack on October 7th. Many of Israel’s reservists left their homes in a hurry to join the defense effort - as a result, they did not have a chance to acquire some basic necessities to bring with them. And what they did bring with them may not be enough, as life’s usual accommodations aren’t available in the field (it’s hard to do laundry when camping out under enemy fire in the desert). While Israel has a modern army, it never wanted to launch a large-scale invasion against anyone, and does not have massive stockpiles of non-tactical gear to distribute to its entire reservist force. There are also some things that just aren’t easily sourced in the Mediterranean (like the cold-weather gear you need when the desert temperatures plummet overnight). So a team of tireless volunteers have been sourcing, packing, and sending supplies directly to IDF units in Israel. They also support soldiers' families and displaced families from the North and South with clothing, toys, diapers, and other necessities.


I am honored to create this statuette of the BC Lev Echad logo. Please print and show your support!


Printing Instructions:

I recommend 0.2mm layer height, 2 Walls, Arachne, 15% gyroid infill, Ironing on Top Surfaces

The logo in the photos shown was printed in Silk PLA for that extra shine.


Note: The transparent blue prints were done in RESIN on a Elegoo Mars 4 Ultra and on an Apex-Maker X1. I used Sunlu Clear Blue Water Washable Resin. I was able to get very clean edges with supports only on the dowel part of the print on the Apex-Maker by using a lightly landed WhamBam Flex Plate, laying the model flat on the bed, and calibrating the exposure times, transition layers, and resting times to avoid elephant's footing/blooming while still maintaining bed/layer adhesion. These setttings will be specific to each printer and resin, but if you're using the same printer and resin as I did, feel free to message me for the exact Chitubox settings.


Please note: I am publishing this model under a non-commercial license. However, you MAY use this model for commercial purposes IF AND ONLY IF you donate at least 50% of your proceeds to a verified charity that is supporting Israel’s self-defense efforts - including efforts to support the IDF, Israel’s hospitals and medical personnel, or Israel’s humanitarian needs. Thank you.

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