The Scrubbler: Enhanced X1/P1 Nozzle Wiper

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The Scrubbler: Enhanced X1/P1 Nozzle Wiper

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Print Profile(6)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

V2 - Bambu ASA - 101.5% Scaled
V2 - Bambu ASA - 101.5% Scaled
32 min
1 plate

V2 - Bambu Polycarbonate
V2 - Bambu Polycarbonate
32 min
1 plate

V2 - Bambu ABS - 101.5% Scaled
V2 - Bambu ABS - 101.5% Scaled
32 min
1 plate

Bambu ASA - 0.2mm nozzle, 0.12mm layer, 4 walls, 18% infill
Bambu ASA - 0.2mm nozzle, 0.12mm layer, 4 walls, 18% infill
1.2 h
1 plate
Click to see more

Open in Bambu Studio



  • Update 6/25/24 :  Presently this mod is known to cause issues with the first layer scan, colliding with the flinger position.  I'm working on a way to solve this.  In the meantime, don't use the first layer scan feature with this.
  • Update 5/20/2024:  Added  custom GCODE (optional) for extra wiping in an "A1 style" with this set of nubs.  See section below for how-to.
  • Update 5/19/2024:  Updated to V2, which is now slimmer and has you put the flinger on in the same direction as stock.  This fixes minor but annoying issues with the stock wiping and end-of-print gcode.  I now recommend only 4x nubs to avoid any collisions with the nozzle or hotbed.  To reduce user confusion, I did blow away my makerworld print profiles for V1 😢.  If you're using a contributed one, please make sure it's for V2 !
  • Update: 5/18/2024: Changed recommended filament to ABS/ASA/PC/ etc. for higher temp users.


Note: The Scrubbler is an evolution of my Nub Scrub design.  It does not require any permanent modifications to your printer.


The Scrubbler is a nozzle wiper that cleans your nozzle by adding the silicone nubs from the A1 style of wiper to the PTFE tube “flinger” wiper that came with your printer. This extra wiping mechanism helps catch things that the flinger misses. The model fits on your X1/P1 series of printers and cleans your nozzle with an additional cleaning element borrowed from the A1 printer. It helps removes any filament residue that might cause print defects, especially when you change filaments frequently.


The Scrubbler is even simpler to install than the first generation Nub Scrub design and is very stable due to extra reinforcement. It uses 2 mounting screws plus 2 pre-existing mounting screws that holds the purge chute and flinger in place. These two “new” screws can be either the original wiper self-tapping screws (if you have extra) or regular M2.5 screws.


This design also helps alleviate a common issue with the screw hole in the purge chute which is easily stripped out. But adding 2 stabilizing wall surfaces, a “clip” mechanism and a mounting point on the printer structure, this model significantly reduces the strain on the original flipper mounting hole.


The Scrubbler is a fast print with only a few grams of filament and can install quickly. 


Filament choice and profiles:

I suggest NOT printing it in PLA for heat resistance reasons. I originally used Prusament Carmine red PETG here, but I ended up upgrading to Bambu polycarbonate after PETG started looking a little “iffy” when printing hot filaments like ABS/PC in a warm chamber. Dimensional accuracy is important here, so make sure you adjust for shrinkage if you use ABS/ASA or another material prone to shrinkage.  

  • Because shrinkage also depends on your print environment (enclosed vs not) my Bambu ABS/ASA profiles are scaled here to 101.5% , but you may wish to scale them slightly up/down based on your experience with these filaments in your printer. 
  • The Bambu PC profile is sized properly with my profile without scaling and works as-is with Bambu PC.

3MF and STEP included. Pre-setup BambuSlicer for bambu users (although I recommend orcaslicer!). Fusion 360 can be uploaded if people want it.

Parts needed

Parts you almost certainly already have:

  • 1x traditional P1/X1 nozzle scrubber ("flinger" style with PTFE tube).
  • 1x coarse screw that attaches the PTFE “flinger” nozzle wiper to your printer.
  • 1x purge chute attachment screw.

New parts:


Note: There used to be a 5x nubs option in V1, but I removed it in V2 because it was causing occasional collision issues, especially if you didn't modify your machine gcode.  If you really want 5x, you could try printing the compatible V1 “4x” version which should let you just barely shoehorn a 5x set of nubs in if you trim things tightly.  Some commenters have had success with this approach.


Printed here at 0.2 mm layer thickness, it needs minor traditional snug supports with paint-on supports when oriented as shown (see also images above in case this is unclear).


  • Remove the right-hand chute installation screw, circled here:
  • Cut a 4x nub section of the A1 nub strip, and adhere using the adhesive backing to the top piece, as shown here. Preload the to piece with the chute screw from the first step, and an M2.5 screw (or coarse flinger screw), shown here in silver.
  • Pre-tap each of the holes in the printed part (highlighted in blue here) in the bottom piece with the screws you will use by putting the screws in the holes and removing them. This will ease installation. Not required, but easier to do outside the printer before hand.
  • After removing the stock flipper from the chute, seat the bottom piece into place, like so: The clip will follow the outer contour of the chute. Make sure you have a screw loaded in the recessed hole ready to attach to the chute. Screw in the recessed screw to attach the bottom part to the chute. Now reattach the original wiper to the slot provided for it on the bottom part using a second screw.  Make sure to orient the flipper in the orientation shown, away from the nubs!  It should only fit this way with version 2.  The result will look like this:


  • Finally, seat the prepared top part, and fix it in place with the two preloaded screws.
  • This completes the installation. Check to make sure bed/nozzle clearances are acceptable. They will be tight (in order to accommodate as many nubs part as possible!), but should fit reliably. Test the filament loading sequence to make sure there are no collisions or weird behavior.



Optional custom GCODE for wiping

The original A1 nubs are designed for a brushing motion with multiple passes, as is used in the A1 series of printers.  Since the X1 does not do this by default (it has no brush), I came up with an similar set of wiping set of GCODE to insert into your machine GCODE sequence.  Here's how where you put it:


  •  In the slicer, open up the machine profile (see pic):
  • Change to the Machine gcode  tab, and find the place you want to insert the wipe code.  Here, I recommend doing this just after the nozzle rub on the steel plate.  In Bambu's current Gcode for the X1 machines, you can find this by scrolling until you see the line: “;===== wipe nozzle end ================================”, and inserting the extra code a few lines above, right into the spot after the final steel plate arc rub movement (G2 I0.5 J0 F3000) , and before “M221 R” as indicated in this picture:


Here's the recommended code to insert, which you may modify as you wish:


;===== Scrubbler noozle wipe start ABL_5/20/24 ==================

G90 ; ensure absolute mode (should already be in it, but here for saftey)
G1 Z10 F1200 ; Make sure we don't hit the bed during wiping passes
G1 X128 Y265 F30000; start position, should be very close to where steel plate rub seq. ended
G91 ; relative mode
G1 X-45 F30000  ; run snake pattern from top back to front, run at max accell.
G1 Y-0.5 ; increment y slightly , and repeat back/forth while incrementing y.
G1 X45  
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45 
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X-45 
G1 Y-0.5
G1 X45  
G90 ; restore to absolute mode
G1 X128 Y265 ; return to start position.
G1 F3000 ; restore previous accelleration

;===== Scrubbler noozle wipe end ================================


Here's what this looks like

Comment & Rating (62)

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hopefully this helps explain what I mean, first layer has gone down, and then it travels back to the shoot, and pushes the original wiper back
The designer has replied
have the same problem, nozzle crashes against the ptfe wiper from front
@Dave.letting ok , so this is interesting.. I never use the first layer scan function because I’ve learned it doesn’t do much .. but it looks like possibly there’s some odd /unexpected movement /postioning in that particular case . does this happen for either of you if you DONT use the first layer scan ? I’m not suggesting that that’s a long-term fix, but to help me troubleshoot it it would be helpful to know if this is the problem
Replying to @lou.cifer :
please see above comment and reply with wether this happens for only “ first layer scan on “ situations and I’ll try and narrow down what’s going on for you
printed on 0.2 nozzle in Asa. had to cut the corner of the tray since it touched my bed :) thanks !
The designer has replied
did you try the 4x size ? I made that in case people had tolerance issues . it seems not all beds and printers are quite the same .. and I think mine only had like 1 mm clearing with the 5x
Replying to @AdamL :
Nah, that would probably fit but i prefer to have 5x size so just cutting the corner is better imo than losing a whole nub :)
it looks like you maybe printed the v2 instead of the v2.. not sure
The position of the wiper is *exactly* where the first layer scan parks the nozzle before and after the scan. You’ve asked multiple times and never gotten a clear answer; hopefully that is clear enough. 😁 I am using your gcode modification. Re-enable your first layer scan and you should see it too.
The designer has replied
thanks , ill work on a fix this week , I’ve been busy with some other stuff
Replying to @AdamL :
No hurry, I appreciate that you shared such a useful model (and gcode)! I can turn off first layer scan in the meantime. It’s saved me a few times but I can watch the print and use my eyes to scan the first layer. 😆
Replying to @paulg :
So I was looking at this this morning.. and unfortunately it looks like Bambu's First layer scan command (M976 S1 P1 ; scan model before printing 2nd layer) does not have an adjustable park position .. the command is just.. issued. I doubt there's a way to customize it from the machine start code at all since the layer scan is after the machine start code finishes anyways. Accordingly the only option left would be to change the model position of the wiper. Now that has a couple issues because of OTHER park positions that are already nearby ... if I move it a little left, it's liable to collide during filament loading/purging, so that's no good. I could move it a little to the right, but then it would likely jam a little against the scrubbler mounting.... so the best solution in case you really want to use the 1st layer scan might be to remove the flinger entirely. I don't love this solution either. I can try to provide a model with a right-shifted flinger for people who want this, but with the caveat that it may not work quite as well. If I made a couple such models, would you be willing to print them and tell me if they work for you ?
I need to cut it off to avoid collision with my PEI board.
The designer has replied
yes , there do appear to be variances between printers , which I tried to account for. the fit is often tight but should still clear with the 4x stubs
Using v1 4x size and still able to squeeze in 5x pad. good print! very sturdy wiper design!
The designer has replied
yes , this IS possible , but my concern is that variances between printers will lead to tolerance issues for too many people .. however if it works on your printer people are welcome to do it !
Print Profile
V2 - Bambu Polycarbonate
Support Issue:I love it, but I think it puts the original wiper up to high, I've ruined two of them now. It melts and deform, ultimately pushing it up to high and hitting to high on the nosel. I may tinker and see how to fix it. Anyone else have this issue?
The designer has replied
are you using first layer scans ? when exactly do you see the collisions ? I’d like to try and fix it .. but I need to be able to reproduce the issue . what GCODE are you using , stock ?
really like this, but at the start of each print, my x1c seems to put the nozzle bang on the middle of where the original wiper sits, then for the rest of the print it wipes like normal. because where this sits with this added it’s mullered the original wiper.
The designer has replied
I’m not sure I fully understand what issue you’re having here, do you have a picture to help go along with your description? I would like to troubleshoot it any issues you’re having. also , are you using the stock X1C gcode or a custom start GCODE ?
Mine was doing the same thing and destroyed the original nozzle scrubber. If it was flipped 180 degrees and put closer to the new scrubbers it might work.
at the very start of the print, the tool head, puts its self directly in the middle of where the original nozzle wipe sits, this then destroys the old wiper after a while
i really like this design. unfortunately, i noticed my flinger was pretty bent. awaiting the tweaked design, removed the flinger in the meantime
The designer has replied
are you using first layer scan ?
Replying to @AdamL :
but of course!
Print Profile
V2 - Bambu ASA - 101.5% Scaled
profile is nice but i mean the scale to 101,5 is not needed on the x1c
The designer has replied
it depends on your filament unfortunately. many ABSs shrink considerably
bambu asa i use