Bottle Trap - Asian Hornet

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Bottle Trap - Asian Hornet

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X1 Carbon

0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 8% infill
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 8% infill
8.1 h
1 plate

0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 8% infill
0.28mm layer, 2 walls, 8% infill
47 min
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
1 h
1 plate



Basic Design Modifications for Simplified Printing and Enhanced Robustness

The original design has been modified to simplify the printing process and enhance the overall robustness of the trap. These improvements include:

  • Integrated Supports: Supports have been directly incorporated into the 3D models, eliminating the need for manual support generation and significantly reducing material consumption.
  • Optimized Design for Strength: The design has been carefully optimized to ensure maximum strength and durability, enabling the trap to withstand outdoor conditions without compromising its functionality.

I hope this is helpful!

here are the Base instructions - You should download the other files from thingiverse


Complete easy selective trapping kit - Bottle trap - Asian hornet

Easy and complete selective trapping kit - Bottle trap - Asian hornet

This kit brings together all the parts to make a low-cost selective trap for the period of trapping founding queens of Asian hornets using plastic soda bottles with a diameter of 9 or 10cm.
These traps must be selective in order to restrict their capture fields to the only category of insects hunted.
The bait (1/3 blackcurrant syrup, 1/3 beer, 1/3 white wine) is absorbed by a sponge which slows down evaporation and prevents the insects from drowning before being able to escape, for those who are not not hunted.
The selectivity of this trap is ensured for the Asian hornet by using a restricted entrance with a diameter of 8.4 mm and a calibrated exit of approximately 6 mm according to the rules explained below.

It's made of :

  • a selective entry in two different diameters depending on the trapping period (see explanation below)
  • a large selective exit allowing easy exit of insects of 6mm or less.
  • a cutting template to prepare the installation of the entrance and exit
  • a label or tag holder for identifying the trap, in the event of computer monitoring

Each piece is also accessible here :

This trap takes for its entry the well-known form of a part available on certain commercial sites, but whose selectivity was not at all satisfactory. In fact their entry hole is 10mm in diameter which is too large. In fact, it notably allows the passage of the European hornet (Vespa crabo) which must be preserved because of its positive work for nature, unlike the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina) generally smaller in size, classified as an invasive exotic species (EEA) in France and therefore must be destroyed.

The format of the entry therefore takes into account the latest results of studies (2024) from our neighbors in Wallonia on the size of the founders Vespa Velutina, as well as those of the European species Vespa Crabo, which showed the following capture rates according to the diameters:

  • 8.0 mm allows 63% of Asian hornet founders and 0% of European hornet founders to pass
  • 8.4 mm allows 100% of Asian hornet founders and 30% of European hornet founders to pass
  • 8.6 mm allows 100% of Asian hornet founders and 50% of European hornet founders to pass

The following trapping process is therefore recommended:

1 - Start the season for capturing Asian hornet founders by setting a selective trap at 8.4mm.
Even if it is slightly permeable to European founders, a diameter of 8.4 ensures 100% capture of Asian hornet founders. At this time of year, the untimely capture of European hornet founders is minimized by the fact that they appear with a delay of a few weeks and will therefore not be captured at the start of the season.
2 - On the other hand, as soon as the observation is made that the first Vespa Crabo founders are captured, it is recommended to change the selective entry to put the entry at a diameter of 8.0mm. The operation only takes a few seconds due to the design of the part.
By doing this, the capture effect on Asian founders is maximized, and the impact on European founders minimized.
3 - The entry with a diameter of 8.0mm must then be kept for the rest of the season with a capture rate close to 100% because the Asian workers are smaller. European workers cannot enter because they are bigger.

In order to allow the exit of the smallest insects which may also have entered for taste, this entry must be associated with its selective exit, and a sponge must also be placed at the bottom of the bottle to prevent any drowning of authorized insects. to come out through the selective exit.

Parts are printed in PETG to withstand outdoor conditions.
The input prints the calibrated output upwards and therefore requires supports.
The output also requires supports but these should be reduced to the first millimeters of contact with the plate.
You can therefore set up support blocks to avoid needlessly consuming time and filament.
A photo shows you the blocking to put in place.
The template will be useful for cutting the bottle for the entry and especially the exit.

Positioning :

  • Favor areas in the sun to increase the diffusion of aromas, and close to attractive areas and plants, flowering fruit trees, camellias.
  • Position the trap at a safety height of approximately 1.5m.
  • Change the bait at least every 15 days, and regularly check the saturation of the sponge.


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