This is my version of a birdhouse i seen on here made by jakejcarter loved the idea so made my own ,(hope he likes my version) with a Detachable porch this slides over the variable hole part on front of birdhouse , this itself is interchangable with popular bird hole sizes , depending on what type of bird you want to use it. The porch has a birdfood tray so can get birds used to it for winter hopefully . If this works will be adding a camera function to film inside.Its printable in seperates for ease of printing and roof is detachable .I added some supports to help keep the roof in position which just glue in place with super glue ..i used some normal masking tape to tape to inside of body to get loacated correct then superglued tops and placed roof on them and when set you can just pull roof on and off if required .Have atteched some brackets to fix to fence , but might design a hook over fence attachment for easy relocation if needed …
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