X1C/P1P/P1S Side Cable Chain Clip Set

X1C/P1P/P1S Side Cable Chain Clip Set


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
34 min
1 plate




Please ensure the length of the PTFE tubing inside the printer from the black rubber part at the back to the hot end is EXACTLY 45cm - this is to avoid kinking the tubing when the head moves to the rear right.




When using expensive Capricorn or similar tubing - I was having issues where the tubes were rubbing and wearing against the chain because the stock PTFE tubing guide leaves a lot to be desired. I have tried printing quite a few different clips to re-reroute the PTFE tubing but with limited success. All of the clips I have tried attempt to guide the tubing along the top of the chain. The problem with this is that near the rear right and front right the tubing bunches up and where the tubing enters the hot end it gets horribly distorted.

I therefore tried a different approach - routing the PTFE tubing around the outside side of the chain and this clip set is the result. Very simple to install and uninstall, prints all the clips in around 27 minutes and uses less than 10 grams of filament!
At first I also encountered AMS load and retraction issues which most of the other models on here had. By carefully moving and changing the order of the clips I was able to guide the PTFE tube at an angle that the AMS is happy with. Many successful load and unloads completed. The positioning was also designed to keep the PTFE tubing from rubbing against the top glass on printers without a riser.


Printing Instructions.


Print using PETG or above. They can be printed in PLA at your own risk!
Use a brim to make sure they print successfully as they are small parts. You can print without a brim but slow the printer way down.
All other settings can remain as default.
Printed in orange to highlight the clips but would probably look far more awesome in black.


Install Instructions.


The 3mf has the parts laid out from top to bottom in the order deflector, low extradeep, high deep and high shallow.

Please use the picture guide to match which link is which - it's important that the correct clip is placed around the correct link.


Links 2, 4 and 6 - install a deflector
Links 8 and 10 - install a low extradeep
Links 12 and 14 - install a high deep
Links 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 - install a high shallow




Remember to do a full calibration and resonance check as adding the clips may alter the current printer profile.
The original black clip on the chain is not used in this configuration but can be left in place.
The easiest way to attach the clip is to hook the left side in first and then using a squeezing motion snap the right side that has the PTFE guide into place.
To remove the clips (and save your fingernails) hold the PTFE guide part and pull upwards. BE GENTLE or the chain may come apart and need to be snapped back into place.
There is one extra clip of each type in the 3mf file on the right of the plate in case any of the retention clips break but I have not had that problem yet - these can be removed if spares are not needed.
If you find the clips "click" when the print head is near the right side of the build plate I have found that a small strip of the furry side of self adhesive velcro stuck along the right side back half of the printer frame where the chain recesses into stops that completely.


As always any comments and/or feedback is gratefully received.

Comment & Rating (19)

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Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
The designer has replied
Nice choice of colour
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
The designer has replied
Great choice of colour!
By looking at my P1S stock tubing - I'm pretty sure this is not an improvement. - the number of friction points increased dramatically even though it doesn't rub against the top glass, which is harmless; - the tube bends much more, especially right before the hot end. I'm afraid it's just added stress on motors - both pulling the filament and moving the hot end.
The designer has replied
Thank you for trying the clips out. Rubbing against the top glass does leave residue over time and whilst harmless does mean you have extra cleaning and wear on the tubes which this avoids. As for the bend in the tube towards the hot end you can make that even shallower by moving the two clips in positions 8 and 10... Try moving them to 9 and 11 instead of even further down the chain if you have a riser and the clearance of not hitting the top glass. One last thing... Could you verify for me the length of the stock PTFE tubing exactly.... Right from the point it comes through the black rubber sleeve at the back to the very end that enters the hot end. My stock tube wasn't exactly 45cm and that did cause friction. Thank you again for trying my clips out though.
Replying to @darren2024 :
Incidentally, I'm now printing a large set of parts, so when the hot-end is close to its top right extreme position, the stock cable setup is hitting the case pretty nasty... So with the clip set, I imagine the situation would be even worse. Now their A1 recall comes to mind... So the solution is obviously needed, but probably not like this one.
Replying to @maxtryk :
I found that the tube hits the top right corner with or without clips and yes I agree that adding clips to the right side does make a "clicking" noise each time the head moves to the back right.... But I found for my clips and potentially all other cases it was solved with a 15cm strip of self adhesive velcro (the soft furry side) stuck to the back right inside corner of the printer
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
perfect print
The designer has replied
Thank you
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
printed perfectly. would be nice if they where numbered. works perfectly.
The designer has replied
I did think about numbering them but given how thin they are I couldn't get the text to fit on the edge of the clip and print properly - even with a 0.2 nozzle. Fortunately there are only 4 types of clip and I tried to make them look sufficiently different so they could be identified.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Es brechen Welsche beim einbauen leider sonst gut
The designer has replied
Did you print with PETG?
Nice very well designed and thought out clips that actually do what they need to do
The designer has replied
Thank you for your kind words. I really enjoy creating models that actually serve a purpose and are functional. Believe it or not I must have printed over 200 clips while refining these. Printing just one clip on the carbon after waiting 7 minutes for the startup and then 2 minutes to print only to find it's not right and then having to print again and again was a nightmare. So much so that I ordered an A1 mini as a second printer!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill