Shogun - Tactics Boardgame

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Shogun - Tactics Boardgame


Print Profile(4)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

Shogun Tactics Full Set
Shogun Tactics Full Set
9.2 h
2 plates

Shogun Tactics Board quarter - A1 mini
Shogun Tactics Board quarter - A1 mini
30 min
1 plate

single color dices
single color dices
2.3 h
1 plate

thicker game board
thicker game board
1.6 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


In the wake of the remake of the TV show ‘Shogun’ I took my own take of the old boardgame ‚Shogun‘ (1976 by Teruo Matsumoto) and gave that a makeover. The magnet based mechanic of the original game feels a bit gimmicky and adds uneccessary complications to its 3d printability. 

So I wanted to make a 3D printable version that is easy to print with no supports, no moving or mechanical parts, but still utitlizes the original idea of changing the abilities of each tile (now dice) as they move on the board. To get rid oft he magnets to determine the next number of moves for each tile, I made the tiles into dices themselves. So now you can just move the tile by tilting it according to the number of moves it shows, across the board, and on its destination field youll end up with a new number of steps for the next turn.

Moving this way you can plan your moves ahead knowing on what number you will end for the piece after the move. That adds an element of tactics (thus the subtitle) to the game that it had not before.


How (and what) to print:

2 Sets of 7x shogun_pawn.stl and 1x shogun_king.stl each in a different color combination
With that and any chessboard you can already play. 

A beveled board keeps the dices secure in place and makes it easier to ‘roll’ them across the board. There is also a version of the board cut into 4 quarters for printing on smaller printbeds (this requires glueing after printing). 


How to play:

  1. Goal
    The goal is to eliminate the opponents tiles or checkmate the shogun. 
  2. How the dices work
    The pawn dices have three different symbols representing the number of moves it can make in the next turn.
    The shogun has two different symbols for the same purpose
  3. Setup
    The dices are setup on each players base row with the following sequence:
    P P P P S P P P

    There are different variants to determine the dice faces showing up at the start of the game:
    1. Balanced: the dices are placed showing the ‘1’ on top, the ‘3’ in front and the ‘2’ on the side
    2. Random: each dice is rolled before setting it in his postition with the rolled side up
    3. Tactics: the players decide on the startface and orientation of their dices 
  4. Moves
    Dices move by rolling/tilting them from one field to the next. 
    Dices can move the number of fields on the board according to the number the top face shows at the beginning of the move.
    Dices can move horizontally ot vertically, but NOT diagonally. Within its allowed range the dices can make ONE turn. Dices can NOT jump over other dices. 
    If a move ENDS on an opponents dice, the opponents dicegets eliminated and taken off the board. 
    The opponents shogun can NOT be eliminated.
  5. End
    The game ends if 6 dices of one player are eliminated, only 1 pawn and the shogun are left.
    The game also ends if the shogun is threatened, and has no other safe field to move to, or cannot be shielded (as in blocked, stand in the way oft he attacker or eliminating the attacker). Pretty much like a checkmate in chess.

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