Spinning Top, easy to print, works great

Spinning Top, easy to print, works great


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This Spinning Top works great and is easy to print. A steel ball with 4.5 mm diameter is needed, but you can also print a tip (included), if you don't have such a steel ball.

Many Spinning Tops can be found, but I thought I could design a better one as I have found so far. Most of the mass is at the circumference of the disc. It is really easy to print without any support or brim. My prototype spins 1:30 min.

Print instructions

I have printed all parts together without using a brim, but if you have problems with bed adhesion, print the parts separately. With this design the infill doesn't matter, because there are only shells inside.
Configure the Seam Position to random! That's important!. For a faster print you can increase the printing speed for shells respectively outer shells.

I've also uploaded an older version (3.4), where the pin is printed laying on the bed. Both are working, but I would go with this one. Because of the layers, this one is the better one, I think.

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