I loved the design of Flowers Gear but I disliked the support structure. So I changed the design to allow it to print upright avoiding the need for supports meaning the Apple Magic Mouse should slip in and out easier.
So good and easy to print.
I printed three - testing out colors. I settled on transparent blue HS PETG (eryone) with an infill change, and 0.16 layer lines. I wanted it to look like a blueberry hard candy - like a Jolly rancher. 😂 I think it turned out pretty cool.
works perfectly. I have tried multiple prints that tried to do the same thing and this one was quick to print didn’t require any supports and has nice finger grooves. I am very impressed
The issue may be due to the angle of force applied. When using it, you have to press down on the right side. If you don't press down on the right side, the mouse's left side will register a single click with excessive force as a micro-movement plus a click, which isn't friendly for double clicks. I hope the designer can optimize this, thanks.
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