Endless Collection "Slowly"

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Endless Collection "Slowly"


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 4 walls, 20% infill
41 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


In a world that prizes speed and efficiency, the essence of Slowly becomes a beacon of gentle resistance, a reminder of the depth and richness that patience can bring to our lives. Nowhere is this concept better embodied than in the humble snail, a creature that, by nature, defines the art of slow living.


Picture, if you will, a snail making its way across a leaf, its pace unhurried, its path deliberate. There is no rush, no urgency, only the steady progress of one who understands that the journey itself holds as much value as the destination. This small, unassuming creature teaches us a powerful lesson about the importance of slowing down, of moving through our tasks and our lives not with haste, but with purpose and with love.


To do things slowly, much like our snail, is to imbue them with care and attention. It is a practice of mindfulness, allowing us to fully engage with our work, our hobbies, and our relationships. When we slow down, we create space for appreciation, for noticing the subtle details and textures of life that we might otherwise overlook in our hurry.


In this slow and steady manner, with love as our guiding principle, we discover that the quality of our actions and the depth of our connections deepen immeasurably. Just as the snail carries its home on its back, so too do we carry the results of our slow, loving efforts with us, building a life rich in meaning and satisfaction.


Let the snail be our guide, then, in the art of living slowly. Let us approach each task, each moment, with the same deliberate care, weaving love into the fabric of our days. For in doing so, we find not only success in our endeavors but also a profound sense of peace and fulfillment in the journey itself.


For other designs in the collection, visit Endless Collection


This model is very thin, please take care when removing it from the bed. Maybe wait until cold.

This is a challenging model to print, so maaaany thin lines, but the result is 🥰.
Instead of enabling “Print Thin Walls” you can also try with “Arachne Perimeter Generatorhttps://help.prusa3d.com/article/arachne-perimeter-generator_352769

Printing it bigger could help also :P

Nozzle Size0.4mm
Layer Height0.2mm
Infill Density20%
Infill PatternCubic
Print Thin WallsEnabled
Wall Line Count3 or more
Wall OrientationOutside To Inside
Print OrientationSTL orientation

If you need to scale the model to fit your print bed, just be sure to scale in XY and keep Z as 100%. It needed 2mm height to fit collection stands.


Designed to be used with the collection universal stand:


You can see my other designs here 😉 → https://makerworld.com/@jtorregrosa

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