Ghostbusters Slimer UV Glow Filament Light Box

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Ghostbusters Slimer UV Glow Filament Light Box


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
5.8 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


Slimer from Ghostbusters using Bambu PLA Glow filaments in a UV LED-lit round light box. The fluorescent filaments look off in regular white light but explode in color under UV. This box uses UV LEDs to light up the design and the effect is pretty striking. Not all the filament colors are fluorescent though. White is black under UV since it absorbs. The regular Bambu PLA green in the background glows blue and the Bambu Pla red in his mouth lights up purple under UV. This model uses the PLA Glow colors of pink, orange, yellow, and green. It also uses regular green, red, and black.


You don't have to use glow filaments or UV illumination, either. You just get a cool effect if you do but it's not super huge. Will take some effort to get really great designs with glow I think but lots of potential.


Anyone else looking at the Bambu PLA Glow filaments for other UV-lit projects may want a little UV flashlight to see what the filaments do. Some regular PLA will light up great under UV but maybe not in the same color as under white light. Some are just dead/nothing. A UV flashlight makes testing filaments easy.


Also, unlike my other light boxes where I print in a diffuser behind the image (strengthens it) and a reflector in the back, not in this one. In a UV-lit lightbox white will block the UV from lighting up the logo and a reflector won't really reflect if it's busy absorbing. The effect is strong enough that a first version of Slimer with a diffuser didn't change color on the green and didn't really “glow” because little to no UV was getting to it. The diffusor was absorbing all the UV and the glow color was then lighting up Slimer. Looked ok but a complete waste of the UV/Glow. In UV lightboxen, unless you are using the glowing filament to block the UV on purpose (some neat possibilities with this) and light a region of the image with its color, with a diffuser you lose all the other fluorescence of the other filament colors. So for the light box to light with the proper fluorescent colors you can't use a diffuser or reflector - though metallic (aluminum foil/tape) should be great as a reflector. As is, the standard 0.6mm thickness/3 layers of filament for the design is thick enough the green background looks blue-green instead of blue because the blue from the inside layer is helping to light up the green and blocking some of the UV. But 0.6mm seems great for the Bambu Glow filaments. This makes the edge to edge knitting of one color to another adjacent color much more important. If you turn off elephant foot compensation and/or use fuzzy walls it should strengthen up some. Just keep in mind if you printer doesn’t give good adhesion between colors.


One of the photos is an image plate with a diffuser and without. It's hard to see but the image without the diffuser has richer colors and you can actually see the yellow and green areas as separate. With the glow diffuser the design was being lit by yellow-green light from the glow of the diffuser and green and yellow areas looked the same because the diffuser was blocking the UV from hitting the other color filaments.


I labeled the parts according to the colors they “should be” but that really doesn't work well in this print. I printed the dark green into black to bold up the lines a little. Couldn't use white for the teeth since they would look black. See the 3mf file for my color assignments or choose your own. PLA Glow colors were green, yellow, orange, and pink with regular PLA black, green, and red.


And please rate this once you print. If any issues, please let me know in comments and I can see how I can help. Thanks! 😁

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