Print in place straight razor

Print in place straight razor


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Print in place straight razor, with or without a guard.

This model mounts a razor blade as a straight razor.
its the small disposable kind of razor used in safety razors and straight razors.
It doesn't take up much plastic so can be used like a disposable razor but cuts much better.
Some versions have a guard set at 0.6mm at the sides, you won't be able to get a clean shave anywhere but won't be able to cut yourself either.

V1 - a version with two combs built in either side (its still a 0.6mm guard) (intended for pets)
V2 - without any sort of comb just a 0.6mm guard
V3 - effectively a straight razor
V4 - one side as V3 one side as V2

Printing instructions
The razor blade is physically imbedded into the print, PLA won't stick to the razor so instead its “caged” inside the model so it cannot move.
You have to insert a pause print just before the bridging layer that goes over the razor blade.
you then place the razor blade in the tiny indent and continue printing. the print head should just miss the razor.
As the razor is very light and doesn't have much to grip onto you may want to apply the tiniest amount of superglue to the middle of the razor as you place it on the model just to keep it from moving out of place during the first layer that goes over it

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