PowerBook PSU connector fix

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PowerBook PSU connector fix


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Most people that have had an Apple Power Book for some years probably know that the power supply have a weak spot near the connector that plugs into the computer. The cable simply opens up and shows exposed wires which isn't so good.

I had a few of those power supplies, that was in really bad condition, so I decided to open up the connector to see if I could fix it. The connector isn't really designed to be opened up, to I had to cut it upen with an exacto knife and using a little electronics side cutter, but I managed to open it up without breaking the inner case and the electronics inside.

The connector has a little PCB and some LEDs, so be careful when cutting.

Since the outer casing and the piece that is glued to the cable was ruined in the process, I decided to print a new set of those.

I opted for white PLA for the outer cover and soft grey PLA for the strain relief, but that could as well be regular PLA, it's not really using the flex properties of the material.


I have printed this on an Ultimaker (original) with 0.1mm layer height. The cover ends up being VERY strong.

I put on some heat shrink typing around the cable in an attempt to give this section a bit more strength and then I glued the strain relief onto the heat shrink tubing, so that tension in the cable hopefully wouldn't reach the solder joints (remember to put the cover onto the cable BEFORE glueing and soldering the connector on.

When you take the connector apart, be sure to check the polarity of the two connections in the cable (core and shield) and how they connect to the little PCB.

I printed the cover in white, but as you can see on one of the photos, the LEDs shine through the PLA, so if you don't like that, a dark color might be better.

It's a good idea to check the PSU before closing it up, because you will have to cut it open afterwards if it doesn't work.

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