Printable stamp for hackerspace Labitat

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Printable stamp for hackerspace Labitat


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This is a stamp and handle that I have made for the hackerspace Labitat (, so that we can stamp hackerspace passports ( when we have visitors to the space.

I have printed it out in two pieces, the black handle has been printed in regular PLA and the grey stamp pad has been printed in the special flexible PLA type, purchased from the Ultimaker, but I have seen in in other shops too.


If you want to make your own, the first thing you would probably need to do, is design your own stamp in 2D.

I used the Labitat logo and modified it to a simple curve in Illustrator, and in the export dialog for SVG, I copied the coordinates and modified that data slightly to work with the polygon function in OpenSCAD. There are other ways to do this that are probably better (eg. export DXF and import that in OpenSCAD), but I couldn't get it to work correctly.

Then you modify the OpenSCAD file and create an STL file for the handle and one for the pad.

When you have printed the two, you can either glue the two together, or as I have done, simply use double sided tape to keep the two together. The important part is that the glue or tape is even. If the tape is in two layers or there is a goop of glue in one spot, the stamp won't print as nicely as if it was even.

Lastly, you will need to get an ink pad, so that you can start stamping.

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