Suspended Ornithopter

Suspended Ornithopter


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
70 h
1 plate



During last weekend.. i went to see the new Dune movie and loved every minute of the film.. I love it so much that i spent the next 3 days making the suspended ornithopter..

I made the 4 wings of the ornithopter with a lot of strings to look like its flapping.. and made the frame to look like the sandworm.. since i modelled everything using Tinkercad.. i had limited shapes to use for the sandworm..

I had a problem with the tail of the ornithopter since its so small.. the print surface made the it peeled off easily from the buildplate.. i solved the problem by adding a thin line that connect the ornithopter tail base to the frame.. this gives the tail more supports and it sticks well to the buildplate.. you will have the option of removing it later when the print is finished or you can just leave the lines there.. it does blend into the strings..

I also added LED strip channel on the back of the frame.. i also used the new bluetooth LED strip for the lights.. it looked amazing..


There were more animation options when you use the bluetooth controller.. i connected it to my phone and it had a ton of color combination and animation options..

If you're interested in getting the LED strips.. here's my affiliate link to buy it..
5V USB RGB LED Strip Light


When printing suspended models.. one important thing to remember is to set the wall generator to arachne from classic.. this will make the slicer print the strings.. and NO SUPPORTS..


I hope you guys have fun printing this new version of the suspended ornithopter

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Comment & Rating (30)

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Could you please clarify which of the LED options are what you ordered in the link you provided. I ordered from that link this time because I wanted to get the individually addressable ones like you had that can light up in sequence rather than the regular sort I have bought previously. But I ordered the strips that come up as default when I click on your link and they don't do that. In fact they don't even have App Bluetooth controls, just the little remote. It's all good I'm not upset or anything, even though I bought 5 of them. I'll find some use for these but I just want to make sure I order the right thing this time because I really want that individually addressable type and the strips I have ordered previously that do have App based Bluetooth controls just do the regular fade, pulse or constant lighting with all the LEDs on the strip at the same time rather than in sequence.
The designer has replied
you did buy this one right? you can customize the lights using the app
Replying to @fay3dlab :
No that isn't the one I bought. When I clicked the link it brought me to the first one in the list and I assumed it was that. Can I just clarify something though please. That one that you have circled in the screenshot of looks identical to the ones I have bought previously that I can control with an App and the screenshot of the app in the description is exactly the same as the one I have. But they don't do the thing that it looks like yours are doing in the .gif in the description. The app that I have to control them (called duoCo Strip) does have a lot of different options but none of them allow the LEDs to be individually controlled. It looks to me in the .gif that the lights are chasing each other yes? Like they start at one end and light up in sequence down the length of the strip. That type can also have the individual LEDs on the strip be different colours at the same time. i.e. simultaneously be blue at one end and red at the other rather than them all be blue and then all fade to red at the same time. I have tried to look for that type before but can't find them in a complete pack like these ones are. The PCB backing strip always looks different on that type and you have to buy a controller separately so I was never sure what to order. So when I saw your .gif that looked like it was lighting up individual LEDs in sequence to create a spiral animation that I was excited to see a full pack that you could seem to buy that would do it. But now I am actually wondering if it's just an optical illusion in the gif that the lights are doing that because the strip you have linked to seems to be exactly what I have purchased previously right down to the app and the QR code design on the end of the strip. Sorry for all the questions I just want to make sure I get what I am after this time and that what you are linking to is indeed what I am after.
Replying to @muddie :
sorry for the confusion.. cause some of my other models use different LED strips.. but from the same link.. so i give options for anyone who wants to buy them.. the price is also different for different controllers.. they all fit the same into my models.. just the colors LEDs and controllers are different..
Originally I thought this would be great to print the worm in wood filament. It would really have the earthy feel. But I didn't have enough of the that left to do it so I used some brown instead. I keep a spreadsheet of filament usage so I can keep a track of how much of any particular roll I have left and I should have had enough brown. I don't know what I did though because I stuffed up somewhere and didn't have enough after all. So I just put the wood in when the brown ran out and now that I see it I have decided to order som more wood and just reprint the whole thing because it looks really good in the wood.
The designer has replied
I think this looks good too
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
The designer has replied
dude.. that color looks awesome on the ornithopter..
The ornithopter got loose and failed halfway. I used the provided profile on x1 carbon.
The designer has replied
did it not stick to the bed? which part got loose?
yes at around the 1/2 way point the helicopter itself got loose and was flopping around.
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
took a while but it failed
The designer has replied
Which part of the print failed? Do you kind sharing
Well done!
Muy buen modelo!! enhorabuena!!
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
was a cool and easy print just waiting for lights
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Print Profile
MULTICOLOR 0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.