Hollywood landscape (stylized low-poly, brights at night)

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Hollywood landscape (stylized low-poly, brights at night)


Print Profile(10)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
40.1 h
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
33.2 h
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
43 min
1 plate

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 20% infill
14 min
1 plate
Click to see more



Replica of the world's most famous giant sign: 


Complete landscape of Mount Lee overlooking the capital of world cinema.
Stylised, low-poly model based on real landscape features: find the differences!!!



TIP: I'll tell you one, there is no road below the sign, it is far to the right of it, but I wanted to include it and it still follows the actual path at the back of the mountain.


The model is designed so that the sign can be inserted and removed at will so that a led strip can be installed inside to make the sign illuminated at night!!!


The wires of the LEDs can safely exit the side of the sign and you can close the wire passage with the model “closure_mountain”.


Unfortunately, I designed the "closure_mountain" afterwards and at the moment to keep it firmly in place I suggest you briefly pass the soldering iron over part of the joint, or even better if you have the 3D pen (the hand pen with the extruder to be precise ;). If you have any problems tell me in the comments and I will redesign the closure better.

If you want to keep the real shape of the sign it can be difficult to insert the led strip in the channel, but the standard ones fit perfectly. If you have any problems let me know and I will modify the TERRAIN.

If you are very good at soldering it would be even better if there were fewer leds, better three units, one at the beginning one in the middle and one at the end of the channel, also because the leds may be too bright and not give the right effect.
If you have them I recommend using dimmable 5V LEDs, otherwise tell me if your LEDs are too strong and I will design an additional cover to put on the white base of the sign to soften the illumination even more.


For a real challenge try printing the complete model including the white and red antenna XD !!!

Otherwise you can safely print the antenna separately from the last file (print4).


I recommend printing terrain, trees, street and highland together. The others you can safely include but to avoid merging of the moving parts to the model I recommend that you print closure_mountain and hollywood_SIGN separately.


If you want you can print street and highland separately too (and of course all things on the highland too and then glue them), because they are not only separate models but the TERRAIN is designed to have embosses for them. I'm pretty sure you will need sandpaper to make the fitting. The only model that must necessarily be printed with TERRAIN is hollywood_trees, but if you do not want to print it or do not have AMS you can always paint TERRAIN to your liking.


The most difficult print is that of the sign, especially on A1 mini where the dimensions are unfortunately smaller and so are the letter supports. 
I advise you to print it very slowly, the profile I have included is fine (I printed it just on A1 mini), it comes out as in the photo, but add silent mode as soon as you finish printing the base and lower the nozzle temperature (if you use pla you can go up to 190 °C). 

Bambulab surprised me so much in this print!!!


Cheers to all and have a good contest,


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