Texas Star Nerf Target (WIP)

Texas Star Nerf Target (WIP)


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This Nerf Target is inspired by the Texas Star style targets this moving target will help practice hitting moving targets and tracking shots. You can make it extra fun by changing colors of the arms and filament swaps for the target plates for contrast. The target will start off stationary and after you shoot one plate off it will begin to rotate around the central axis. Each plate target removed will decrease stability changing the motion as the balance will change. It is a fun challenge especially if you don't have friends for target practice.


**This model is a work in progress, I will be working on designing something to attach this target to. If adjustments to the design are required, please let me know instead of taking down rating, I would like the opportunity to address concerns**


Each Arm has indexing points, and that coupled with the retention ring may allow this to be assembled without glue needed. Glue might be needed. This is a WIP and has not yet been printed.


Print Instructions:

To Print this, the models have been designed so NO SUPPORTS should be needed. All parts will need to lay flat on the bed, and may require you to reorient them to avoid supports. Print 5x arms, 5x target plates, and 1x retention ring.


Hardware needs:

1x 608 Bearing

1x M8 Bolt or 5/16in bolt depending on if you are using metric or not.

Washer(s) and nuts for bolts.

Something to mount target to, like a board or wall, this is part of the WIP part.


If you print this model, please let me know if anything needs modified or updated.

Comment & Rating (1)

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The model is undoubtedly cool, it can be improved by adding more clearance between the parts and magnets, so that it would hold and fall easier from being hit
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