Mini Curling Game

Mini Curling Game


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A dexterity game for the whole family and friends - mini curling.

With skill the players try to score more points than the opponents.

Each playing stone contains a 14mm steel ball, which allows easy gliding on smooth surfaces, simulating gliding on ice.

What you need is just one 14mm steel ball for each playing stone and some filament.


How to play:


Version 1) Curling

Print the included target on an A4 sheet and extend the playing area with additional white sheets (depending on the desired difficulty up to 8 additional A4 sheets).
The players take turns trying to score the most points and prevent the opponent from scoring.
Different scoring systems can be used - for example: 
1) The winner of each round is the player who is closest to the center and gets as many points as he has game pieces in the blue circle. After a predetermined number of rounds, the accumulated points are added up and will be compared. The player with the most points wins.
2) Each tile in the target field brings points: blue - 1 point, white - 2 points, red - 5 points. After a predetermined number of rounds, the accumulated points are added up and will be compared. The player with the most points wins.


Version 2) Boccia

For this game variant you need a stone in a third color - but you can play everywhere without a base. This special stone is placed somewhere on the playing field at the beginning of the game. The goal of the game is to get one of your stones closest to the target stone at the end of the round. Each round won earns the winner one point. After a previously agreed number of rounds, the points are added up. The player with the most points wins.



The main body can be printed eighter in two or in one parts - since both top and bot of the stones are rounded I prefered to print in 2 parts and glue them together afterwards. To glue them together you can print the glueing Guide - this allows for easy alignment.

Other than that you need x bodys (as whole or in 2 parts: top/bot) and x handles. Insert a 14mm steel ball before attaching the handle. The handles simply click in the main body - no glue needed.

I recommend print with low infill percentage since the main body should be light to get the best sliding possible.


Have fun print & play!


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