When I made / remixed my first Riser, it was out of personal necessity… because the built-in LED in BambuLab was not sufficient… and that Low profile design turned out to be quite popular.
Since then, a couple of users Qiao112 and Dan Ljungström encourage me to do the next version that also has a vent on it… they showed me a design from another desinger… which is very good… but I personally like it to be not as tall…
So through the rabbit hole I went… gone thru several design ideas… throw away most of them, starting over and over… until I came up with something that I personally like…
So here it is… still similar to the first design, it has a TPU Bed/ Light Shield on top but I made several modification from the original design, recognizing issues that was inherent from the first design.
The first design, I angled the LED 60 degrees downward, the problem is, if we do not want to cut the LED strips and do some soldering at the corners, you have to bend the LED strips, it will be very hard to fit them nicely…
so in the new desogn, I change the angle to 45 degrees (less bending at the corners) and as a bonus, less overhang…
then I added a “cave” (for the lack of a better word) so we can accommodate the “extra” LED to “curl” in there.
A few users remixed the previous design to make the top wall part (LED Trim some call it) thicker, worried that it might brake off… I personally have used this since I first made it, and never had any issues, but I will change the thickness to accommodate that too…
This is probably a little more than a casual project, I will try to provide a clear guide…
So let's get straight to how to put it together
I uploaded a 3mf file that already contains everything you need to print.
This is a 5 plates project: Plate 1 & 2 are the main body, plate 3 is the cover for the vent holes plus Pegs and Magnet Tool, and the last 2 are all the TPU
I printed Plate 1 thru 3 using IIIMax PetG Filament, and 4-5 using BambuLab TPU 95A Black
I choose to pick different color for the cover for accent more than anything else, you can choose the same color / materials.
Parts you need to buy for this project:
1. 6x2 mm round magnets AMAZON LINK.
2. COB LED Strips with Power Supply and Wireless Remote Amazon Link
I also added a couple of Magnet Tools to assist in installing the magnets. We know that magnets will attract if they have opposite polarity, and repels otherwise.
I intentionally print these in 2 different colors - 1 color like the body, and the other like the vent cover….
Glue each magnet to the tool, you should install the magnet opposite polarity so when you put them together head to head, they will stick to each other
The orange one you will use to install the magnet for the main body, and the beige one for the vent covers
After you print all parts.. line up the main body upside down… and you can install the Pegs. Note that there are magnet notches on the pegs, they should be facing outward. You can put SuperGlue also for permanently secure all 4 parts.
Next Glue all 8 of the TPU guard to the Vent Doors. They are different sizes, so match the same ones, and there are 2 rounded guide to help you lined them up.
Next install the Vent Doors (8 pcs) to the main body. There are different Lengths of the Vent Doors should match the vent. Thet should be inserted at 45 Degrees angle following the gutter. The best way I found is guide the left Hinge first, the middle while pushing 45 degrees, and the right one last… You should hear it clicked once they are in place.
Next, Glue 16 Magnets to the main body, using the Magnet Tool with the same color as the body, this ensure the polarity of the magnets to be facing correctly.
Glue 16 Magnets to the (8) Vent Doors (with TPU) using the Magnet Tool with the same color as the Vent Door. Again this is to ensure the polarity of the magnets to be facing correctly.
Guide the LED Power Cable through the cable Guide. The TPU Plug was sized slightly wider so that it will be a tight fit and will stay in place.
Install the COB LED Strips… note that the LED Strip Sticker may not hold for a long time, you might want to consider gluing them.
Lastly install them on your Machine, and put the TPU Shield on top, and finally you can replace the top glass.
Below is the youtube video I made, I hope it will make it clearer how to put it together… towards the end of the video… there's a FLIR Video showing the thermal images
I sincerely hope you will find it useful. Thank You!
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