P1P 'minimal' Printed side panels

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P1P 'minimal' Printed side panels

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This is not an easy model to print.

I wanted to mostly enclose the printer as the printer is in a very cold environment in winter, I would even get warping of PLA. However when hot in summer I wanted to open, hence the removable section. This meant a sheet of acrylic wasn't ideal for me.

Plus a printed part was more in keeping with the printer.

Being very tall, long and thin, it will often try to flex near the top. The best solution is to paste it in supports. This does mean it needs a fair bit of filament and clean up. You could get out of 1kg if you have everything set up really well. I have included some photos of some of my supports.

Also removing the supports from the really thin recessed window parts is very difficult. I ended up splitting it but it doesn't affect use. If more time was sent placing supports, it would give a better, easier to remove finish and you could save filament. Printing with the panel at an angle also seemed to work well.

I ended up using about 1.7kg of filament but basically had 2 panels fail.

The odd bit of layer shifting is also likely. I printed in black with fuzzy skin so it is not noticeable for me.


I printed in PETG

2 walls

5% Gyroid

Magnets used were 6x2mm. The hole is bigger and deeper but I was allowing room for glue.

It is best printing with the middle join, up so they come out straight. Being so thing and wide, they want to warp from the bed and bow.


Another tip, I didn't notice until I printed one side, is that the fixing holes are not tapped. It was better to tap these. I tried self tappers but it didn't work very well.


These could be much improved if for example they had tabs that interlocked with the curved ends. The curved parts would have to have their fixing points slimed down. Adding an overlap to the curved parts would also improve the sealing (but I wasn't going for air tight).

I also spent some time trying to work out how to fix from inside the printer but couldn't make this work. In the end the black fixings on black filament turn out nice.

Something to start with maybe…

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