Kill Button for Poker Limit Game, Texas Hold 'Em

Kill Button for Poker Limit Game, Texas Hold 'Em


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

High density, strength print (recommended) - 0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 100% infill
High density, strength print (recommended) - 0.2mm layer, 6 walls, 100% infill
32 min
1 plate



A token for running kill pots in Limit Hold 'Em poker games. For example:

  • When a player wins a pot that contains more than just the blinds, the “SUSPECT” side of the token is placed in front of them.
  • If the suspect wins a second pot under the same constraint, the token is flipped to the “KILLER” side to signify they are now the killer, and the next hand to be played will be a kill pot.
  • The killer posts double the small bet, and then all bet limits are doubled for the duration of the kill pot.
  • If the killer wins the pot again, they remain the killer and another kill pot is played. This continues until the killer is slain and someone becomes the new suspect.

This print requires the AMS, as the bottom SUSPECT text requires a secondary colour. Everything has been separated out into parts so you can easily configure the colour to your liking. I personally like it in the blue and white. The top killer text is intentionally raised with rails to be visually distinct with a unique texture, so everybody knows the killer is on the loose and that a kill pot is active.


This print looks really nice if you use a Hilbert Curve for the top and bottom surfaces. Optionally, you can instead opt to iron the top surface for a nice finish. This prints great and the filament changes are minimal - the text comes out really clean and sharp.


I recommend using 6 walls, 100% infill. Having enough weight in the chip is very important for good feel and sound that makes it feel like a high quality token, if it's printed too thin and hollow, it feels and sounds cheap. The token isn't super thick so it's not a ton filament.


All the edges are cleaned up to make sure nothing catches on your poker table felt.


Everything is verified to be perfectly aligned and centered, no eyeballing was involved - if you're like me where that matters a lot, you'll really appreciate it!

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