This is my take on the Tesla SuperCharger Smartphone Charger.
Disclaimer: Make sure your PETG is dry and calibrated to make the parts print clean!
I remodeled everything to make the whole assembly a snap fit assembly. No glue is needed and you can disassemble it any time you want.
Tools you might need/want to use for assembly:
I created custom supports in CAD for the lettering of the white Main Body. You'll get a way cleaner result with the custom supports than with tree support. However you will need an exacto knife or similar to cut free the custom support.
Step 1: Carefully cut free the custom support along the shape of the main body. If you are lucky, tze custom supports already might fall of. The Z-distance is 0.4mm so adhession of the main body to the custom supports is pretty loose.
If the Custo, supports do not snap off right away, carefully push the exacto knife between the custom support and main body lettering. It will popp off. Be careful anyway to not break off the lettering!
Step 3: Push the tree support out of the main body with a small screwdriver.
The tree support and custom supports should fall out very easy after giving it a little push with a screwdriver. The letters should look clean like on the following photo:
Step 4: Push the cable through the SuperCharger grey base and push the two grey parts together. Make sure to click together the two grey parts correctly oriented to later fit the cable pillar correctly.
Step 5: Assemble the pillars. Push the cable pillar into the half circle pocket until its flush with the bottom of the grey base. Its a tight fit, so it won't fall apart on its own. Just push it in!
Step 6: Assemble the red ellipsis inside the white main body.
I am aware, that the inside of the Main Body doesn't look good. You potentially can make it look better by using an interface material, but for print speed I chose a 0.4mm z-distance to avoid any material changes and make the print faster. You won't see the inside anyway, so I don't care about it.
Step 7: Push the red main body into the white main body. The red main body has some tongues wich will snap into the groove of the white main body. You will need some force to push it in. Don't be afraid, the PETG will flex and snap into place without breaking.
Step 8: Push the USB cable through the sidehole of the white main body as pictured. You'll need to correctly orientate the cable to get it through.
Step 9: Push the cable through the second hole. Its a super tight fit, but the cable will push through.
Step 10: Push the red little hooks inside the grooves of the lid. The big notch will fit inside the lid. Place the notch inside the lid and push it in place with a screwdriver.
Step 11: Push the lid onto the white main body and it's done.
Disassembling is pretty staright forward. You can easy take everything apart. To get the cable out you will need to push the red ellipsis out with a screwdriver and then grab and pull it out. For the grey base carefully push it apart with the screwdriver.
Have fun with your very own SuoerCharger! :)
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