Hatchbox Spool Filament Clip Featherlights

Remixed by

Hatchbox Spool Filament Clip Featherlights

Remixed by

Print Profile(3)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

1 Small 1 Large, 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
1 Small 1 Large, 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
19 min
1 plate

6 Large Clips - For PLA Spools 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
6 Large Clips - For PLA Spools 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
36 min
1 plate

6 Small Clips - For PETG Spools 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
6 Small Clips - For PETG Spools 0.16mm layer, 5 walls, 35% infill
36 min
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio


I was unable to find hatchbox filament clips online that are AMS and EIBOS Polyphemus compatible. So I decided to remix my own clips. This clip design is a significant overhaul over remix source, width/height/depth, prongs are all completely different, material used is much less, and the filament snaps in with less friction. Hatchbox spool prongs were custom sized and tested across 4 spools (PETG and PLA). 

Enjoy, and share your results. If you encounter issues please let me know, and I will do what I can to help. 


  • Removable Some clips have so much friction you cannot remove them without breaking the prongs, these are removable
  • Ultra lightweight at 1.25g per clip
  • Perfectly sized to fit 1.75mm filament without squishing it
  • Tested: Tested on 3 spools of Hatchbox PETG and 1 spool of Hatchbox PLA
  • 2 Sizes for different filament types: Small fits most PETG spools, Large fits Most PLA spools
  • Prints without Brim, by default small brim is added, but I print all mine without Brims. Just make sure your bed temp is at the right value. 

Print and Assembly Notes:

  • Suggest Printing 1 Large and 1 Small batch first to test fitment with your spools
  • You only need 1-2 clips per spool.
  • For AMS suggest only placing clips on the right side of the spool, one top and one bottom.
  • For AMS Lite suggest only placing 2 clips on outside of the spool (when loaded to AMS). one top and one bottom .

Print Profile Notes:


Nozzle: Suggest 0.4mm nozzle for precision fit
Wall Loops: 5 wall loops on 0.4mm nozzle, 0.6mm nozzle not recommended due to decreased layer adhesion.
Layer Height: Suggest 0.16 or 0.20mm to maximize strength (0.16mm default)
Infill: No infill used. 
Brim: 2.5mm brim, however I have successfully printed with no brim. 
Material: PETG or PLA
Color: Any
Print Orientation: Print with filament clip area face down as seen in 3mf file
Supports: None
3d Printers: Should be printable on any printer.
Filament amount required: ~1.25g per clip

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